IT questions
Dear The National Gallery,
1) What Applications are you running for:
• Finance (Enterprise Resource Planning)
• Fianance
• Planning and Budgeting
• HR and Payroll
• Projects
• Workforce planning
• Business Intelligence
2) Are these Applications for on-premises or cloud based?
• Finance (Enterprise Resource Planning)
• Fianance
• Planning and Budgeting
• HR and Payroll
• Projects
• Workforce planning
• Business Intelligence
3) When does the contract expire?
• Finance (Enterprise Resource Planning)
• Fiannce
• Planning and Budgeting
• HR and Payroll
• Projects
• Workforce planning
• Business Intelligence
4) Which vendor/System Integrator (SI) implemented your current Finance System?
5) Who is your current Finance system support partner?
6) What is your budget for IT spend for 2017/2018?
7) How much do you spend on support for your current Finance system?
8) Are you planning to renew your current Enterprise Resource Planning System or tender for a new system upon expiry?
9) If tender, when are you planning to publish for a tender?
10) Which framework do you use for procurement?
11) Are you planning to join a Shared Service in the next 1 - 2 years?
12) What is the organisation size?
13) How many permanent employees and how many contractors does your organisation have?
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,
Andy Gilbert
Thank you for contacting the National Gallery.
We aim to respond to all our enquiries within ten working days. On occasions, it may take us longer to reply , depending on the nature and/or complexity of the enquiry.
If your enquiry is of an urgent nature, please call our Visitor Engagement Department on +44 (0)20 7747 2885 for assistance.
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Our Ref. F422
Dear Mr Gilbert,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which was received on 1 July 2017. We will start looking into this for you and will be in touch within the 20 working day deadline which I calculate will expire on 28 July.
If you have any questions about this request in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Wragg
Richard Wragg
+44 (0)20 7747 2576
Dear Mr Gilbert,
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. You asked a series of questions regarding IT systems
at the National Gallery. I have copied your questions below and annotated
them with the Gallery's answers.
1) What Applications are you running for:
• Finance (Enterprise Resource Planning) - Unit14 Business
• Finance - Unit14 Business World
• Planning and Budgeting - Unit14 Business World and Microsoft
• HR and Payroll - CIPHR HR system; CGI payroll
• Projects - Asana task management
• Workforce planning – Civil Service OSCAR system
• Business Intelligence - n/a
2) Are these Applications for on-premises or cloud based?
• Finance (Enterprise Resource Planning) - on premises
• Finance - on premises
• Planning and Budgeting - on premises
• HR and Payroll - cloud based
• Projects - cloud based
• Workforce planning – cloud based
• Business Intelligence - n/a
3) When does the contract expire?
• Finance (Enterprise Resource Planning) - April 2018
• Finance - April 2018
• Planning and Budgeting - April 2018
• HR and Payroll - March 2019
• Projects - February 2018
• Workforce planning - n/a
• Business Intelligence - n/a
4) Which vendor/System Integrator (SI) implemented your current Finance
System? - Unit14
5) Who is your current Finance system support partner? - Unit14
6) What is your budget for IT spend for 2017/2018? - £649,775 for core
systems and infrastructure
7) How much do you spend on support for your current Finance system? -
£18,330 per annum
8) Are you planning to renew your current Enterprise Resource Planning
System or tender for a new system upon expiry? - No
9) If tender, when are you planning to publish for a tender? - n/a
10) Which framework do you use for procurement? - n/a
11) Are you planning to join a Shared Service in the next 1 - 2 years? -
12) What is the organisation size? - Please provide clarification
13) How many permanent employees and how many contractors does your
organisation have? - 230 permanent employees; please provide clarification
regarding your definition of contractors
Regarding question 12, please could you provide clarification about what
is meant by the ‘organisation size’?
Regarding question 13, please could you provide clarification about what
is meant by ‘contractors’. The Gallery engages a variety of individuals on
a range of different terms, both directly and indirectly, either as
employees of other companies or as independents. In addition to this, some
of these arrangements cover ‘call off’ arrangements and therefore, the
number of people who have ‘contracts’ and the number of people engaged at
any one time in the Gallery will be significantly different. Further
clarification of your question would assist the Gallery to provide an
answer to this.
If you are unhappy with the way the National Gallery has handled your
request you may ask for an internal review, by writing to: Susan Foister,
Deputy Director, The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DN.
We would ask that you submit your request for an internal review within
two months of the date of this response.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
If you have any queries about this email, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Yours sincerely
Richard Wragg
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