We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Danielle Cesenek please sign in and let everyone know.

IT Organisation Chart

We're waiting for Danielle Cesenek to read a recent response and update the status.

Danielle Cesenek

Dear Intellectual Property Office,

Please can I request your contractor spend for 2018/2019 and the agencies of which you engaged with and the frameworks you have utilised if any.
Please can you also confirm the number of contractors you are currently engaged with.
Please can you also send me your current IT organisation chart.

Yours faithfully,

Danielle Cesenek

foi, Intellectual Property Office

5 Attachments

Our response to this request is missing from the WDTK.com website.  Please
could you correct this oversight?  As you see, we did reply on 14 May 2020
and that reply is not "long overdue".


Many thanks,


Alison Smith | Information Rights Manager

Intellectual Property Office | Concept House | Cardiff Road | Newport |
South Wales | NP10 8QQ

Tel: +44 (0)1633 814587 | Email: [1][Intellectual Property Office request email]


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Intellectual Property Office is an operating name of the Patent Office





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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Danielle Cesenek please sign in and let everyone know.