IT Infrastructure
Dear Lincoln City Council,
Under the freedom of information act 2000. I write to obtain the following information about the organisations information technology infrastructure equipment:
1. What is your annual IT Budget for 2017, 2018 & 2019?
2. Storage:
a. What storage vendor(s) and models do you currently use?
b. What is the capacity of the storage data in TB & How much of this is utilised?
c. What were the installation dates of the above storage vendor(s)? (Month/Year)
d. When is your planned (or estimated) storage refresh date? (Month/Year)?
e. Do you have any extended warranties, if so, with which supplier?
f. What is your estimated budget for the storage refresh?
3. Server/Compute:
a. What server vendor(s) and models do you currently use?
b. What were the installation dates of the above server vendor(s)? (Month/Year)
c. When is your planned (or estimated) server refresh date? (Month/Year)
d. What is your estimated budget for the server refresh?
e. Do you have any extended warranties, if so, with which supplier?
f. Which operating systems are used?
4. Network & Security:
a. What network vendor(s) and models do you currently use?
b. What are the quantities of the Edge, Core and MP used in your network?
c. What network architecture is currently used?
d. What security solutions are being utilised?
e. What were the installation dates of the above network vendor(s)? (Month/Year)
f. When is your planned (or estimated) Network refresh date? (Month/Year)?
g. What is your estimated budget for the Network refresh?
h. When did you install your current Wi-Fi environment?
5. End User Devices:
a. How many desktops/laptops are deployed by the Council?
b. How many mobile devices [Phones & tablets etc] are deployed by the council?
c. What were the installation dates of the above desktop/laptops?
d. When is your planned (or estimated) desktop/laptop refresh date? (Month/Year)
6. Backup, DR and BC:
a. What device/system do you use for your daily backups (e.g tape or disk)
b. What backup software do you use?
c. How much data do you backup, in TB?
d. Do you use a third party to provide a Business Continuity service (e.g. office workplace recovery or infrastructure ship-to-site solutions)?
e. Does your current recovery solution meet your stakeholder’s expectations?
f. Do you already backup into the cloud?
g. Do you have a documented disaster recovery & business continuity plan in place?
7. Number of Physical servers?
8. Number of virtualised servers? & Which Virtualisation platform do you use?
9. Do you have a cloud strategy if so what is it?
10. Do you use Azure or Amazon Web Services?
11. Do you use or are you planning to use MS O365?
12. Please also name all of the IT re-sellers that you work with and buy from, as well as the frameworks utilised.
13. Do you have a Software Asset Management Policy? If so what is it?
14. Who is responsible for your Software Asset Management?
15. How much did you pay in the last financial year for software licenses?
16. If applicable, how many people are using Office 365?
17. Who are your top three software vendors by revenue?
18. What are the contractual renewal dates for those three vendors?
19. Have you been audited by those three vendors? If so the date of the audit.
20. Do you currently measure software usage versus the number of licenses purchased?
21. Do you use a software asset management and/or software inventory tool? If so which one(s)?
22. Are you actively moving any applications/infrastructure into a cloud environment? If so who is responsible for this?
23. What is the total number of IT staff employed by the organization: Please list and provide contact details for the IT senior management team including CIO, IT Director and Infrastructure Architects if applicable.
24. Who is Head of IT? – Please provide contact details
25. Who is Head of Procurement? – Please provide contact details
26. Do you have a managed/shared service with any other councils?
27. Do you normally purchase equipment and services as a capital investment (Cap-Ex) or ongoing operational charges (Opex).
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Shaw
I refer to your request for information received on 18 April 2018
concerning the above and enclose the information requested.
If you wish to appeal against the handling of your request then please
contact the Freedom of Information Officer at the City of Lincoln Council,
City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LN1 1DB. Telephone 01522 873441 or
e-mail [1][Lincoln City Council request email].
Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone: 01625 545 700 [2]
With regards.
Karan Shearwood
Legal Officer
T 01522 873840
[3]City of Lincoln Council
City of Lincoln Council
City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LN1 1DD
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City of Lincoln Council is a Living Wage employer. If you would like to
know more about the Living Wage, or sign up to the Making Lincoln Living
Wage campaign, please visit [7]
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