IT Hardware Solutions
Dear Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,
1. Does the Trust use Computer on Wheels/ Workstations on Wheels?
2. Who is the Trust's current supplier for Computer on Wheels/
Workstations on Wheels?
3. How many Computers on Wheels/ Workstations on Wheels does the Trust
4. Who is the person responsible for managing and procuring Computers
on Wheels/ Workstations on Wheels for the Trust?
5. Can you provide the name and email address for the Trust’s Chief Nursing Information Officer (CNIO)?
Yours faithfully,
C Cullimore
Dear C Cullimore,
Thank you for your request for information which is now being handled
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request is receiving attention and we will provide a response within
20 working days, that is, by 30 August 2022.
Please contact me if you have any queries in the interim, quoting our
reference (FOI 7112) and I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
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Dear C Cullimore
Thank you for your email requesting information about IT hardware
From our preliminary assessment, we note we need further clarification and
information in order to identify and locate the information you have asked
for and to be able to answer your enquiry.
Please clarify your questions in consideration of the points below:
• 2. Who is the Trust's current supplier for Computer on Wheels /
Workstations on Wheels?
Are you asking about the trolley or the computer, as both are from
separate suppliers?
• 4. Who is the person responsible for managing and procuring Computers
on Wheels/ Workstations on Wheels for the Trust?
Regarding managing: are you asking about the computer equipment on the
Workstations on Wheels, or the about the trolley itself? Both are
different and not sources from the same supplier.
Regarding the procurement, are you asking who is the budget holder, the
approved, or the product chooser?
Once we have clarification of your request from you, I will be able to
continue to process your request. If I do not receive clarification
within two months your request will be considered to have lapsed. (Under
section 1(3) of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), a public authority
need not comply with a request unless any further information reasonably
required to locate the information is supplied).
Please remember to quote the reference 7112 in any future communications.
Kind regards
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
Follow us on social media: [4]Twitter ¦ [5]Facebook ¦ [6]LinkedIn ¦
In response to your clarifying questions, please see answers below;
2. Who is the Trust's current supplier for Computer on Wheels /
Workstations on Wheels?
Are you asking about the trolley or the computer, as both are from
separate suppliers?
A. I am asking who the supplier is for the Trolley.
• 4. Who is the person responsible for managing and procuring Computers
on Wheels/ Workstations on Wheels for the Trust?
Regarding managing: are you asking about the computer equipment on the
Workstations on Wheels, or the about the trolley itself? Both are
different and not sources from the same supplier.
Regarding the procurement, are you asking who is the budget holder, the
approved, or the product chooser?
A. I would like to know who is the person responsible for managing the Trolleys. In regards to Procurement, who is the person that chooses and approves the trolleys to be purchased.
Yours sincerely,
C Cullimore
Dear C Cullimore
Thank you for providing clarification.
We will now continue to process your request.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
Follow us on social media: [4]Twitter ¦ [5]Facebook ¦ [6]LinkedIn ¦
Dear C Cullimore,
Please see attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards,
Jeanette Randall
Freedom of information officer and communications support
Communications and marketing
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, RH1 5RH
[1][Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust request email]
Please note: I work remotely on Mondays and Fridays and Wednesday is my
non-working day
One Team l Compassion l Dignity and Respect l Safety and Quality
Follow us on social media: [4]Twitter ¦ [5]Facebook ¦ [6]LinkedIn ¦
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