IT Contracts and Contractors
Dear Science and Technology Facilities Council,
Under the FOI Act I require the following information
(1) The names of all the IT Contracting Companies that have provided IT Services and Staff for IT work and related IT Project Management and Program Management work to your organisation in the financial years 2015-16, 2016-17 and up to the end of OCtober 2017 in the current fnancial year - 2017 to 18. This information is only required where the amount paid to the Contracting Company exceeds or is expected to exceed £100,000
(2)How much your organisation has paid in total to each of these companies in the financial years 2015-16, 2016-17 and so far in the 2017 to 18. Include the total payment and a monthly break down. For the finacial year 2017-18 you will include an estimated total spend for the whole financial year.
(3) I require the following for each of the contracts that these companies won or were selected for
(3.1) the total number of companies that bid for or were considered for each contract and whether a direct award was made
(3.2) What process was followed to ensure that Value For Money was achieved in spending public money
(3.3) Whether any conflicts of interest were declared by any of your staff in relation to these contracts and the companies that bid for them
(3.4) Whether any payment or gifts were declared by any of your staff in relation to these contracts and the companies that bid for them
(3.4) Whether to your knowledge any of these contractors has previously worked for your organisation as a member of staff since 2012
(3.5) Whether to your knowledge any of your staff subsequently left your organisation to work for one of thse companies
(3.6) The value or original estimated value of each inital contract as well as its final value - or current value if still underway
(3.7) The initial or estimated planned timeframe of each original contract compared to the final
Yours faithfully,
Paul Smith
For the Attention of: Paul Smith
Email: [FOI #448515 email]
Our reference: FoI20171124
Subject: IT Contracts and Contractors
Acknowledgement of request
Dear Sir
Thank-you for your enquiry (set out below) which is now being dealt
with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by our
Information Management team.
We aim to complete the enquiry within the 20 working days allowed by the
Act. If some information is not available within that timescale I will
inform you as soon as possible.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know the likely charges before proceeding.
Please note that STFC may publish any response it makes to you on its
website. Your personal details will be redacted.
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me, quoting
the reference number above.
Lissa K Francis, FCILEx
For and on behalf of
Denise Francis
FoI & Records Manager
Science & Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: 01793 442184
Email: [1][STFC request email]
From 1 April 2018, Science and Technology Facilities Council will form
part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public body funded
by a grant-in-aid from the UK Government. More information can be found
at [2]
Text of Your request
Under the FOI Act I require the following information
(1) The names of all the IT Contracting Companies that have provided
IT Services and Staff for IT work and related IT Project Management and
Program Management work to your organisation in the financial years
2015-16, 2016-17 and up to the end of October 2017 in the current
financial year – 2017 to 18. This information is only required where the
amount paid to the Contracting Company exceeds or is expected to exceed
(2) How much your organisation has paid in total to each of these
companies in the financial years 2015-16, 2016-17 and so far in the 2017
to 18. Include the total payment and a monthly break down. For the
financial year 2017-18 you will include an estimated total spend for the
whole financial year.
(3) I require the following for each of the contracts that these
companies won or were selected for
(3.1) the total number of companies that bid for or were considered for
each contract and whether a direct award was made
(3.2) What process was followed to ensure that Value For Money was
achieved in spending public money
(3.3) Whether any conflicts of interest were declared by any of your
staff in relation to these contracts and the companies that bid for them
(3.4) Whether to your knowledge any of these contractors has previously
worked for your organisation as a member of staff since 2012
(3.5) Whether to your knowledge any of your staff subsequently left your
organisation to work for one of thse companies
(3.6) The value or original estimated value of each initial contract as
well as its financial value – or current value if still underway
(3.7) The initial or estimated planned timeframe of each original
contract compared to the final
Kind regards.
Lissa K Francis FCILEx
Contracts and Compliance Officer
RAL office: 01235 446308 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Legal and Commercial Department | Science and Technology Facilities
Council | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | Harwell Campus | Didcot | OX11
From 1 April 2018, Science and Technology Facilities Council will form
part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public body funded
by a grant-in-aid from the UK Government. More information can be found
at [3]
Visible links
1. mailto:[STFC request email]
For the Attention of: Paul Smith
Email: Paul Smith <[1][FOI #448515 email]>
Our Reference: FoI20171124-02
Subject: IT Contractors in Excess of £100,000
Response to Request
Dear Paul,
In response to your request for information about IT Contractors in Excess
of £100,000 I am able to provide you with the following information.
STFC only secures IT contractors specific to 'IT Services and Staff for IT
work and related IT Project Management and Program Management' from two
companies: Rullion and Capita. Only in 2016 and 2017 will this have
exceeded £100k.
I can provide the following information:
(3.1) the total number of companies that bid for or were considered for
each contract and whether a direct award was made.
2 companies; both are on frameworks.
(3.2) What process was followed to ensure that Value For Money was
achieved in spending public money
See response above
(3.4) Whether to your knowledge any of these contractors has previously
worked for your organisation as a member of staff since 2012
(3.5) Whether to your knowledge any of your staff subsequently left your
organisation to work for one of those companies
At present I am unable to provide you with responses to questions:
(3.6) The value or original estimated value of each initial contract as
well as its final value - or current value if still underway
(3.7) The initial or estimated planned timeframe of each original contract
compared to the final within the time limit required by FoI legislation;
however I will provide our response to these questions as soon as I am
able to do so.
Advice and Assistance
Under the Freedom of Information legislation STFC has a duty to advise and
assist and I hope the information we are providing is of help to
you. The text of the Freedom of Information Act can be found at:
[2] and I also
provide our complaints procedure below.
Publication: Please note that this response to your request may be
published on a public website.
Complaints Procedure
If you are unhappy with the way the STFC has handled your request, you may
ask for an internal review. You should contact me if you wish to
complain. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review,
you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.
Yours Sincerely,
Denise Francis,
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 442184
Email: [3][STFC request email]
From 1 April 2018, STFC will form part of UK Research and Innovation, a
non-departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK
Government. More information can be found at [4]
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #448515 email]
3. mailto:[STFC request email]
For the Attention of: Paul Smith
Email: Paul Smith <[1][FOI #448515 email]>
Our Reference: FoI20171124-02
Subject: IT Contractors in Excess of £100,000
Response to Request – part 2
Dear Paul,
Further to my response to you below, I am now able to provide you with the
STFC response to the questions (3.6) and (3.7)
Q. (3.6.) The value or original estimated value of each initial contract
as well as its final value - or current value if still underway:
A. This information is published by the owner of the Framework and details
are provided at the link:
Q. (3.7) The initial or estimated planned timeframe of each original
contract compared to the final
A. (3.7) The Capita contract under RM960 started 19^th June 2013 and
expires 18^th June 2018 (as per CCS link provided above).
The 2nd Contract was advertised as a 3 year contract dated 1^st July 2012,
with options to extend for up to a further 3 years, up to 30^th June 2018.
The contract has been extended to 30^th June 2018.
Advice and Assistance
Under the Freedom of Information legislation STFC has a duty to advise and
assist and I hope the information we are providing is of help to
you. The text of the Freedom of Information Act can be found at:
[3] and I also
provide our complaints procedure below.
Publication: Please note that this response to your request may be
published on a public website.
Complaints Procedure
If you are unhappy with the way the STFC has handled your request, you may
ask for an internal review. You should contact me if you wish to
complain. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review,
you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.
Yours Sincerely,
Denise Francis,
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 442184
Email: [4][STFC request email]
Denise Francis,
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 442184
Email: [5][STFC request email]
From: STFC Information Management
Sent: 20 December 2017 15:09
To: [FOI #448515 email]
Subject: FoI20171124-02 - IT Contractors in Excess of £100,000 - 1st
For the Attention of: Paul Smith
Email: Paul Smith <[6][FOI #448515 email]>
Our Reference: FoI20171124-02
Subject: IT Contractors in Excess of £100,000
Response to Request
Dear Paul,
In response to your request for information about IT Contractors in Excess
of £100,000 I am able to provide you with the following information.
STFC only secures IT contractors specific to 'IT Services and Staff for IT
work and related IT Project Management and Program Management' from two
companies: Rullion and Capita. Only in 2016 and 2017 will this have
exceeded £100k.
I can provide the following information:
(3.1) the total number of companies that bid for or were considered for
each contract and whether a direct award was made.
2 companies; both are on frameworks.
(3.2) What process was followed to ensure that Value For Money was
achieved in spending public money
See response above
(3.4) Whether to your knowledge any of these contractors has previously
worked for your organisation as a member of staff since 2012
(3.5) Whether to your knowledge any of your staff subsequently left your
organisation to work for one of those companies
At present I am unable to provide you with responses to questions:
(3.6) The value or original estimated value of each initial contract as
well as its final value - or current value if still underway
(3.7) The initial or estimated planned timeframe of each original contract
compared to the final within the time limit required by FoI legislation;
however I will provide our response to these questions as soon as I am
able to do so.
Advice and Assistance
Under the Freedom of Information legislation STFC has a duty to advise and
assist and I hope the information we are providing is of help to
you. The text of the Freedom of Information Act can be found at:
[7] and I also
provide our complaints procedure below.
Publication: Please note that this response to your request may be
published on a public website.
Complaints Procedure
If you are unhappy with the way the STFC has handled your request, you may
ask for an internal review. You should contact me if you wish to
complain. If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review,
you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
If you have any queries about this response, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.
Yours Sincerely,
Denise Francis,
FoI, DP and Records Manager
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Polaris House
North Star Avenue
Tel: +44 (0) 1793 442184
Email: [8][STFC request email]
From 1 April 2018, STFC will form part of UK Research and Innovation, a
non-departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK
Government. More information can be found at [9]
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #448515 email]
4. mailto:[STFC request email]
5. mailto:[STFC request email]
6. mailto:[FOI #448515 email]
8. mailto:[STFC request email]
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