Island Gardens Park World Heritage Site & Greenwich Foot tunnel

The request was partially successful.

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Dear Greenwich Council

I am a local resident based in Island Gardens and a perpetual user of Island Gardens Park and the Greenwich Foot Tunnel.

Thank you for earning and adopting Island Gardens Park as a part of the Prestigious World Heritage Site (WHS) prestigious award and managing the foot tunnel’s heritage status as a whole and thank you for the maintenance and enhancement. This is a gift to the local, national, international community, if not the whole world.

As you know there are millions of visitors who come to Island Gardens Park / WHS to admire the Old Royal Naval College. So, I am sure you can imagine how alarmed we as a local community were when we discovered that Calders Wharf was to be “acquired” by a private developer when they submitted plans to erect a multi-storey building encroaching on the park, moreso when we discovered restrictive covenants on the land registry (NGL241053) which prohibit transfer of the land and recognise that it is governed by the Open Parks and Spaces Act and need an official discharge from the Secretary of State, further evidenced by the maps filed at the Metropolitan Archives with support that Calders Wharf is a part of Island Gardens Park purchased by the London County Council (which included the land behind too, which the same developer built on). Somehow the plans were approved without considering the covenants when the purpose of this park was to have uninterrupted views across the river to Island Gardens and Millwall Park from The Wolfe Statue.

The serious matter does not end there - audaciously permission is being sought by the developer to erect a HUGE crane in Island Gardens Park. None of the local residents on the Isle of Dogs or tenants by Cutty Sark have been notified in writing to date and we don’t know if the LBTH council will stage a fair hearing and give the local community an opportunity to object to the application as before. The Community Centre and Calders Wharf site has been lost to a private developer for an alleged sale price of £2m without public consultation. The community want it back, it is a public asset.

There were numerous key stakeholders LBTH failed to write to when the initial Planning Application was filed. This is one of the several supplementary construction plans:

The construction plans clearly state,

“The following accommodation is provided on site;
• The cabins will be positioned in the rear of the site, it is important that they are positioned no closer than 4 metres from the Thames wall (Currently looking to lease an area of land within the Island Garden Park Area to install welfare cabins as we have concerns lifting the cabins from the back over the building and the size of crane required)
• Site Offices one to start but another office to be added as the site progresses plus 1 meeting room (Arranging new meeting with Konstructa to provide a light weight unit and possibly designing a welfare set up at the front of the site rather than the rear)
• Welfare facilities will include a 4x2 toilet block, Drying Room and canteen

Q1. Have you been informed that the developer wishes to set up a building base in Island Gardens Park / The World Heritage Site Buffer Zone until January 2019?

Q1a. If so, have you informed the WHS authority and sought permission (considering they did not support the building on Calders Wharf)?

Q1b. Tourists walk through the tunnel to admire the Old Royal Naval college from Island Gardens Park, has Greenwich council made any considerations towards them?

Q1c. Will Greenwich council uphold its moral duty to protect, preserve and enhance the beauty of the WHS / Island Gardens Park?

Q1d. Considerations given to view of crane and piled cabins from Wolfe’s statue?

Q2a. Have you agreed that the developers can set up in a base in WHS / Island Gardens Park?

Q2b. If so, are you aware that the developers plan to use the main gate to load / unload the HGV vehicles which would mean shared use for pedestrians and cyclists

Q2c. If so, what safety precautions will you take for the WHS / Greenwich Foot tunnel users given that the main gate sits on a narrow bend, further exasperated by the Boris bikes, tourist coach drop off point and blind spot and Douglas Path (foot path) directly opposite?

Q2d. If so, what considerations have you given to the WHS visitors, elderly, disabled, families and cyclists in relation to the inconvenience of the construction work directly outside the foot tunnel entrance building?

Q2e. If so, what considerations have you given to the impact of building debris in the park and local plant and wild life?

Q2f. What is your stance on the lights on the crane being on all night and the impact on local residents and wildlife and views directly from the ORNC?

Q2g. Consideration to local & international Events: children’s, tall ships cruise, Greenwich and Docklands Festival, The London Marathon to name a few

3. There are trees lined up directly outside the Foot tunnel building entrance right up to the park entrance. Tree preservation Orders were issued for trees on the Calders Wharf site, yet the developer still has managed to trim the branches right back to reduce the trees and resemble stumps. In an expert’s opinion it is impossible for a crane to get through the gaps as the trees stand.

Q3. What action will you take to ensure that LBTH does not do the same if the developer decides they do not have enough space to erect the HUGE crane and that the trees interfere with the development?

Q4. The Isle of Dogs residents have not been written to in relation to the recent events in relation to the development/ application, will you seek for LBTH to write to those around the foot tunnel entrance building in Greenwich?

Q5. The developer plans to knock the wall behind the foot tunnel down, thus completely changing the character of the foot tunnel completely. English Heritage were not fully supportive of the initial application.

Furthermore it will encourage loitering in Island Gardens Park / WHS buffer zone which has been a local issue as it is.

Q5a. Is it true that you have agreed for the developer to rip the wall down?

Q5b. If so, where will the tunnel maintenance team have their facilities, will you build new ones in the WHS / Island Gardens Park?

Q6. The building site is situated in close proximity to the river wall, shallow DLR train tunnels, close proximity foot tunnels. And the ground is continuously moving.

Q6a. Have you carried out surveys to ensure that there will be no negative impact or effect on the Greenwich Foot Tunnel's integrity over time?

Q6b. Have you carried out an independent survey to ensure that there are no unexploded devices?

We have been campaigning tirelessly and Friends of Island Gardens have accumulated in excess of 4,000 objections in total to date:

We wish to preserve our Heritage. We have set up a charity Friends of Island Gardens park and will do our utmost to protect, enhance and preserve our beautiful park and WHS status.

We look forward to hearing from you urgently as the developer has appeared to have started working on the site even though we were reassured that the planning permission was not final and that further opportunities to protest would be presented to the local community.

Yours faithfully,
Mrs Singh

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

Local residents have informed me that works commenced today with the work overspilling into Island Gardens Park / World Heritage Site.

We urge you to follow the correct procedures before approving such works if you have already done so.

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Singh

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mrs Singh

Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request: FOI-4740

Thank you for your request dated 11 April 2017

Your request will be answered by 12 May 2017

If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich

020 8921 5044
 Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW

show quoted sections

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mrs Singh,

Freedom of Information Request: FOI-4740

Thank you for your email dated 11th April 2017.

Please find the responses to your questions below:

Q1. Have you been informed that the developer wishes to set up a building base in Island Gardens Park / The World Heritage Site Buffer Zone until January 2019?

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has not been informed of this.

Q1a. If so, have you informed the WHS authority and sought permission (considering they did not support the building on Calders Wharf)?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich is unclear as to who the ‘WHS authority’, referred to in Q1a, is.

Q1b. Tourists walk through the tunnel to admire the Old Royal Naval college from Island Gardens Park, has Greenwich council made any considerations towards them?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q1b.

Q1c. Will Greenwich council uphold its moral duty to protect, preserve and enhance the beauty of the WHS / Island Gardens Park?
Island Gardens is located in the buffer zone of the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site. Buffer zones are there to give an added layer of protection to a World Heritage Site and planning authorities will need to take into account any potentially adverse impact of new development in determining planning applications. The commitment of Maritime Greenwich World Heritage partner organisations to protect, preserve and enhance the World Heritage Site is set out in the Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Site Management Plan, Third Review 2014.

Q1d. Considerations given to view of crane and piled cabins from Wolfe’s statue?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q1d.

Q2a. Have you agreed that the developers can set up in a base in WHS / Island Gardens Park? The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2a.

Q2b. If so, are you aware that the developers plan to use the main gate to load / unload the HGV vehicles which would mean shared use for pedestrians and cyclists
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2b.

Q2c. If so, what safety precautions will you take for the WHS / Greenwich Foot tunnel users given that the main gate sits on a narrow bend, further exasperated by the Boris bikes, tourist coach drop off point and blind spot and Douglas Path (foot path) directly opposite?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2c.

Q2d. If so, what considerations have you given to the WHS visitors, elderly, disabled, families and cyclists in relation to the inconvenience of the construction work directly outside the foot tunnel entrance building?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2d.

Q2e. If so, what considerations have you given to the impact of building debris in the park and local plant and wild life?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2e.

Q2f. What is your stance on the lights on the crane being on all night and the impact on local residents and wildlife and views directly from the ORNC?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2f.

The view of the central London panorama from Greenwich Park is a Designated View in the Mayor of London’s London Plan, March 2016. The viewing location is specified as being the General Wolfe Statue (Location 5.A) in Section 5 of the London View Management Framework, Supplementary Planning Guidance, March 2012.
Policy 7.10 of The London Plan states:
A. Development in World Heritage Sites and their settings, including any
buffer zones, should conserve, promote, make sustainable use of and
enhance their authenticity, integrity and significance and Outstanding
Universal Value. The Mayor has published Supplementary Planning
Guidance on London’s World Heritage Sites – Guidance on Settings to
help relevant stakeholders define the setting of World Heritage Sites.

Planning decisions
B. Development should not cause adverse impacts on World Heritage
Sites or their settings (including any buffer zone). In particular, it
should not compromise a viewer’s ability to appreciate its Outstanding
Universal Value, integrity, authenticity or significance. In considering
planning applications, appropriate weight should be given to
implementing the provisions of the World Heritage Site Management

LDF preparation
C. LDFs should contain policies to:
a) protect, promote, interpret, and conserve, the historic significance
of World Heritage Sites and their Outstanding Universal Value,
integrity and authenticity
b) safeguard and, where appropriate, enhance both them and their

D. Where available, World Heritage Site Management Plans should be used
to inform the plan making process.

Q2g. Consideration to local & international Events: children’s, tall ships cruise, Greenwich and Docklands Festival, The London Marathon to name a few
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q2g..

3. There are trees lined up directly outside the Foot tunnel building entrance right up to the park entrance. Tree preservation Orders were issued for trees on the Calders Wharf site, yet the developer still has managed to trim the branches right back to reduce the trees and resemble stumps. In an expert’s opinion it is impossible for a crane to get through the gaps as the trees stand.

Q3. What action will you take to ensure that LBTH does not do the same if the developer decides they do not have enough space to erect the HUGE crane and that the trees interfere with the development?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q3.

Q4. The Isle of Dogs residents have not been written to in relation to the recent events in relation to the development/ application, will you seek for LBTH to write to those around the foot tunnel entrance building in Greenwich?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q4.

Q5. The developer plans to knock the wall behind the foot tunnel down, thus completely changing the character of the foot tunnel completely. English Heritage were not fully supportive of the initial application.

Furthermore it will encourage loitering in Island Gardens Park / WHS buffer zone which has been a local issue as it is.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q5.

Q5a. Is it true that you have agreed for the developer to rip the wall down?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich manages the foot tunnel in entirety on joint behalf of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (with each borough owning their half of the tunnel up to the mid river point). The Royal Borough of Greenwich has not been consulted on this proposal and has not given any approvals.

Q5b. If so, where will the tunnel maintenance team have their facilities, will you build new ones in the WHS / Island Gardens Park?
Please see Q5a.
Q6. The building site is situated in close proximity to the river wall, shallow DLR train tunnels, close proximity foot tunnels. And the ground is continuously moving.
The Royal Borough of Greenwich does not hold any information relating to Q6.

Q6a. Have you carried out surveys to ensure that there will be no negative impact or effect on the Greenwich Foot Tunnel's integrity over time?
No surveys have been completed by the Royal Borough of Greenwich
Q6b. Have you carried out an independent survey to ensure that there are no unexploded devices?
No surveys have been completed by the Royal Borough of Greenwich

If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me, quoting the reference number above.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask for an Internal Review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original request. If you wish to do this, please contact us, setting out why you are dissatisfied.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO by emailing [email address] or by post at Customer Contact, Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely,

Jackie Jago
Head of Corporate Services
Corporate Services
Directorate of Central Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich

020 8921 5044
 Room 20 Basement The Town Hall, Wellington Street, London SE18 6PW

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