Is the Julian Assange Extradition a CPS Very High Cost Case (VHCC)?
Dear Crown Prosecution Service,
Is The Julian Assange Extradition a CPS Very High Cost Case (VHCC)?
If yes which of the following qualifying criteria did it fulfill to be categorised as such?
• The case involves an exceptional and significant international dimension
• The case is likely to give rise to widespread public concern
• The case involves exceptionally sensitive material relating to the effective working of one or more law enforcement or intelligence services
• The case has serious implications for the future operation of extradition
arrangements or for diplomatic relations either with the requesting country or more
generally, or for the general principles of extradition law
Yours faithfully,
Emmy Butlin
Dear Sir/Madam,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request - Ref:- 9122
Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) request which we received on 01 May 2020.
The FOI Act is a public disclosure regime, not a private regime. This means that any information disclosed under the FOI Act by definition becomes available to the wider public.
There is a 20 working day limit in which we are required to respond to requests.
The deadline for your request is 02 June 2020.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team
020 3357 0788
[CPS request email]
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request ref 9122 which we received on 4 May 2020.
I am writing to let you know that unfortunately we are not in a position to respond to your request within the 20 working day time frame under the FOI Act. I apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.
In order to provide a response to this request it has been necessary to seek information from elsewhere within our organisation. Regrettably, despite our efforts to progress this matter, the information will not be available in time for us to respond to you by the end of today, 02 June 2020.
I apologise for the delay, however we hope to respond to your request by the week commencing 15 June 2020, or sooner if we can.
Kind Regards,
Information Access Team
020 3357 0788
[CPS request email]
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to our email below.
We are writing to let you know that unfortunately we are not in a position to respond to your request this week.
We apologise for the delay, however we hope to respond to your request as soon as we can.
We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.
Kind Regards,
Information Access Team
020 3357 0788
[CPS request email]
Dear Ms Butlin,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request
Please see the attached response to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely
Information Access Team
020 3357 0788
[1][CPS request email]
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