Is the cladding safe on the "Paramount" London Rd Liverpool City Council

The request was successful.

Dear Liverpool City Council,
I have sent the below letter to MFRS,
Could the council please tell me if they have looked into the safety of the 120 students living in this unfinished building "The Paramount" in London road and have the council held talks with the MFRS with regards to this matter and tested the cladding?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Li Lee, HK buyers group Liverpool & Manchester.

Dear Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service,

Julie Yare
Corporate Information Sharing Officer
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service HQ
Bridle Rd

Is the cladding safe on the "Paramount" London Rd

Subject: The unfinished building known as "The Paramount" 16 Hotham St,off London Rd Liverpool.
Please provide the history of when a fire safety inspection was conducted by MFRS at this building and has MFRS carried out any testing of the cladding from this building or any other building that is linked to them. (Urban Student life) runs this and many other building in the city.
Please provide the date of inspections, the type of inspection (i.e. Fire safety audit) and the outcome of each inspection.

Please provide a copy of your fire safety inspection policy that outlines how often you inspect this residential Tower Block and its sister building on London rd.

The person behind this building is Mr David Choules, North Point, Baltic House, Berry House, The Element and New Chinatown and North Point Global portfolio.

The other company linked to the "Paramount may be Mr Tony Freeman and his son.

The building also sits very very close to a public house, Ma Egerton's and the outside of this building is just 4 ft away in the (event of any fire) this pub may or could be in harms way as is the Empire building.

The outer walls are a mess and has anyone even checked the cladding on this building or looked at the state of the outer walls and how could 120 young students even be living in this mess paying upwards of £150 per person per week?

The rest of the building is in need to repairs and has become a eyesore to the public it has over 590 investors from all over the world who do not know as to what will happen to this building.
The rents each month are over £71,000 per month and yet no sign of this building getting finished.

Urban Student Life was suspended for a year from the National Codes scheme

Urban Student Life (USL) - which runs The Paramount on London Road, Falkland House on Falkland Street, Plato House on Hart Street and the Quadrant due to open next year - was suspended from the National Codes scheme.
Yours faithfully,

Mr Li Lee, HK buyers group Liverpool & Manchester.

Regeneration and Employment, Liverpool City Council

Information request
Our reference: 557382

Dear Regeneration and Employment,

Yours sincerely,

Li Lee HK buyers

Information Requests, Liverpool City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lee


Please see attached response to your FOI Request as submitted to Liverpool
City Council. Our apologies for the delay, which has been necessitated in
view of the scale and extent of the questions raised in the multiple
requests you made.




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