Is it compulsory for an authority to publish a disclosure log?

The request was successful.

Dear Welsh Assembly Government/Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru,

Please may I under the Freedom of Information. Request a simplified answer to:- Is it compulsory for an authority to publish a disclosure log?

To cover the point/s below but not to be limited by them.

1) Under the freedom of Information Act section 9. (below). Is it compulsory for an authority to publish a disclosure log?

Wider disclosure through our Disclosure Log

1) 9. Having responded to an information request, we will consider whether it is in the public interest to publish the relevant information in our disclosure log or by other means. The Information Commissioner regards this as good practice. If we conclude that there is appreciable public interest in wider disclosure, we will, at our discretion, publish accordingly. We will not, however, publish the following information:
2) personal information about a requester or any other person, where wider disclosure would be unfair and so breach the first data protection principle. In line with this, we will generally not disclose the identity or other personal information of requesters and other persons. We will, however, disclose the identity of requesters where there is public interest in doing so and this would be fair; for example, if the request is from someone holding public office. Where we are to disclose personal information, we will, wherever practicable, inform the relevant persons before disclosure;
3) information provided in confidence outside the provisions of access to information legislation;
4) information that is defamatory;
information, which if disclosed beyond a requester, would infringe third party copyright.
To avoid expense and for speed of reply. Email attachment and/or PDF documentation would be acceptable and preferred. Thank you.

Please let me know if my question needs clarifying to avoid further questions that might arise due to ambiguous answers. I'll be happy to resupply in a format that will let you either supply photocopy/PDF information (dependent on quantity) or supply information without the need to edit any answers you feel I have not asked. Or brief answers that could arise to second and third questions.

Once again thank you for your help.

LL19 9JZ

Campbell-Lawrence, Rachael (PPCS - People),

1 Attachment

<<CSOT - ATISN 4539 - acknowledgement letter 2010.10.07.doc>>
Dear Mr Bourne,

please find attached a response to your request for recorded information
ATISN 4539 regarding disclosure logs.

Kind regards,

Rachael Campbell-Lawrence
Department for People, Places and Corporate Services / Pobl, Lleoedd a
Gwasanaethau Corfforaethol
Welsh Assembly Government / Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru
Cathays Park / Parc Cathays
Cardiff / Caerdydd CF10 3NQ
Tel - Ffôn: 029 2082 3356

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