Iron Infusions and Patient Product Breakdown

Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland did not have the information requested.

Dear Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland,

How many patients have received an iron infusion in the last 12 months?

How many patients have been treated with Monofer and how many with Ferinject?

What was the average weight of these patients?

How many patients required more than 1 gram of iron?

How many nurses and for what days and hours are your Iron infusion clinics available?

Yours faithfully,

Ed Fryer

Dear Team,

Please may I request a update with regards to this FOI as we are now passed the 20 day due date of the 2nd of March.
Request had been raised on the 3rd of February.

Yours sincerely,
Ed Fryer

Peter Moran, Health and Social Care Board for Northern Ireland

2 Attachments

“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.”


Mr Fryer

Please find attached a reply to your 3rd March 2020 email, in respect of your 3rd February email, to the Health & Social Care Board


Mr Peter Moran
Assistant Information Governance Manager
Western Offices

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