Iron Bollards in St John's Car Park

The request was partially successful.

Dear Mendip District Council,

I would like details of the criteria, parameters and consultation used in the decision to place the five black bollards at the edge of the covered parking area at the North end of St John's Car Park in Glastonbury.

Yours faithfully,

David Poyner

Car Parks Mendip, Mendip District Council

Dear Mr Poyner

Please find below a link to the procedure for requesting a Freedom of Information request.

Kind regards

Car Parks
Mendip District Council
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BT

Web Address:
E-mail: [email address]

show quoted sections

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

Good morning,

Thank you for your email.

After a search into the location I cannot find a planning application for the installation of bollards at this site. Do you have any more information so that I can complete a more thorough search?

Kind Regards

Zoë Phillips

Technical Case Officer
Mendip District Council,
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet,
Somerset,BA4 5BT
Customer Services: 0300 303 8588
E-mail:  [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the evolving situation with COVID-19 we are operating a reduced service with regard to planning applications, listed building consents and works to trees.
We will, as far as practicable, continue to progress your application to a satisfactory decision but this may take a little longer than usual. 
• Officers will no longer be carrying out meetings with Applicants or Agents either in the office or on site. 
• Officers will not be carrying out site visits for current planning applications or pre-application submissions at the present time.  
Whilst we will continue to consider current pre-application proposals, other than enquiries for businesses or related to economic development, we will not accept new submissions until further notice.
Please bear with us and we would appreciate your agreement to extensions of targets where requested to enable Officers to manage their workload.  If you have any specific queries or concerns please first discuss with your Case Officer but you can also contact:
[email address] or Simon Trafford email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear BETechnical,

Thanks for your response Zoë. I don't have any other information, other than a photo of the bollards - would this help? I can't see how to attach a photo here, so will send it to your Email address. Except that's not visible ... how can we do this?

Yours sincerely,

David Poyner

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

For your convenience we have listed our most frequently asked questions
and advice and links on where you can find the answers: Can I have a copy
of a decision notice? All decision notices post 2006 are available on our
website, with many older once also uploaded. To find a copy to read or
download please follow the link and type in the application number
required, or the relevant address. Please note: if a
specific decision notice is not available, please forward your email to;
[email address] Is my house affected by a TPO or in a
Conservation Area? Things that affect your property can be found on our My
Maps area of the Website: Information
regarding Trees in a Conservation Area or subject to a TPO Our frequently
asked tree questions can be found here; Please note: If you would like a
copy of a Tree Preservation Order, please forward your emails to;
[email address] I want to know if planning permission
is required or want Pre-application advice. Other
helpful tools on the Planning Portal Website including; The Planning
Portal Interactive mini-guides;
Buying a Map online; The Fee Calculator; For Information
and queries relating to S106 or Section 52 Agreements Please forward your
request to; [email address] Can I have a Building Control
Completion Certificates This information is held by our partners at the
Somerset Building Control. Please email; [email address] For
information on Highways S278 or S38 Agreements This information is held by
our partners at Somerset County Council, please email; If you’ve been unable to
find the answer to your question here please resend your email and we will
endeavour to respond to you within 48 hours.

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

Dear David,

Please forward to this email address and I will forward onto Zoe on your behalf. Thank you.

Kind regards

Lisa Wilson

Development Management Technical Officer
Mendip District Council
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet
Somerset. BA4 5BT

Direct Telephone:
Planning Technical Duty Officer:
Email: [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the current situation with Covid-19 we are operating a reduced service with regard to planning applications, listed building consents and works to trees.  We will, as far as practicable, continue to progress your application to a satisfactory decision but this may take a little longer than usual.  Officers will not be erecting site notices, carrying out site visits or meetings with Applicants or Agents either in the office or on site, we may however ask the Applicant to erect the site notice if it is clear that they live on site.  If a site notice needs to be erected or a site visit is required before the proposal can be fully considered then the decision will be delayed.   Whilst we will continue to consider current pre-application proposals, we will not accept new submissions at the present time.

For up to date information on our current way of working, including information on Planning Board, please visit out our website:

Please bear with us, where necessary we will be requesting extensions of target to 31 August 2020 to enable Officers to manage their workload and carry out any outstanding consultations.  If you have any specific queries or concerns please discuss with your Case Officer first but you can also contact one of the Team Leaders: Rachel Tadman email: [email address] or Simon Trafford email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear BETechnical,

Hi Lisa, which email address? There isn't one visible in your signature; it appears to have been replaced by a link to an explanation of why Email addresses have been removed (to protect against spam etc).

Yours sincerely,

David Poyner

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

Hi David,

This one that you are replying to, [email address] .

Kind regards

Lisa Wilson

Development Management Technical Officer
Mendip District Council
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet
Somerset. BA4 5BT

Direct Telephone:
Planning Technical Duty Officer:
Email: [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the current situation with Covid-19 we are operating a reduced service with regard to planning applications, listed building consents and works to trees.  We will, as far as practicable, continue to progress your application to a satisfactory decision but this may take a little longer than usual.  Officers will not be erecting site notices, carrying out site visits or meetings with Applicants or Agents either in the office or on site, we may however ask the Applicant to erect the site notice if it is clear that they live on site.  If a site notice needs to be erected or a site visit is required before the proposal can be fully considered then the decision will be delayed.   Whilst we will continue to consider current pre-application proposals, we will not accept new submissions at the present time.

For up to date information on our current way of working, including information on Planning Board, please visit out our website:

Please bear with us, where necessary we will be requesting extensions of target to 31 August 2020 to enable Officers to manage their workload and carry out any outstanding consultations.  If you have any specific queries or concerns please discuss with your Case Officer first but you can also contact one of the Team Leaders: Rachel Tadman email: [email address] or Simon Trafford email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear BETechnical,

Ditto ... the line in your Email appears like this to me:

"This one that you are replying to, [email address] ."

Your system is stripping out Email addresses!

Yours sincerely,

David Poyner

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

Dear David,

My apologies, I never knew that the email address is below..

[email address]

Kind regards

Lisa Wilson

Development Management Technical Officer
Mendip District Council
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet
Somerset. BA4 5BT

Direct Telephone:
Planning Technical Duty Officer:
Email: [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the current situation with Covid-19 we are operating a reduced service with regard to planning applications, listed building consents and works to trees.  We will, as far as practicable, continue to progress your application to a satisfactory decision but this may take a little longer than usual.  Officers will not be erecting site notices, carrying out site visits or meetings with Applicants or Agents either in the office or on site, we may however ask the Applicant to erect the site notice if it is clear that they live on site.  If a site notice needs to be erected or a site visit is required before the proposal can be fully considered then the decision will be delayed.   Whilst we will continue to consider current pre-application proposals, we will not accept new submissions at the present time.

For up to date information on our current way of working, including information on Planning Board, please visit out our website:

Please bear with us, where necessary we will be requesting extensions of target to 31 August 2020 to enable Officers to manage their workload and carry out any outstanding consultations.  If you have any specific queries or concerns please discuss with your Case Officer first but you can also contact one of the Team Leaders: Rachel Tadman email: [email address] or Simon Trafford email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear BETechnical,

No it isn't! All I see is this (in double quotes):

"Dear David,

My apologies, I never knew that the email address is below..

[email address]

Kind regards

Lisa Wilson
Development Management Technical Officer
Mendip District Council
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet
Somerset. BA4 5BT

Direct Telephone:
Planning Technical Duty Officer:
Email: [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

Yours sincerely,

David Poyner

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

Dear David,,

It appears that your system is stripping out our contact details, I will type out the email address using spaces, but when you email us take the spaces out:-

be technical @ mendip . gov . uk

I will advise that Planning Permission is not required to erect the bollards and Car Parks and our Assets Team are the best people to speak to. I have cc'd them into this email and they should be able to contact you directly.

Kind regards

Lisa Wilson

Development Management Technical Officer
Mendip District Council
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet
Somerset. BA4 5BT

Direct Telephone:
Planning Technical Duty Officer:
Email: [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the current situation with Covid-19 we are operating a reduced service with regard to planning applications, listed building consents and works to trees.  We will, as far as practicable, continue to progress your application to a satisfactory decision but this may take a little longer than usual.  Officers will not be erecting site notices, carrying out site visits or meetings with Applicants or Agents either in the office or on site, we may however ask the Applicant to erect the site notice if it is clear that they live on site.  If a site notice needs to be erected or a site visit is required before the proposal can be fully considered then the decision will be delayed.   Whilst we will continue to consider current pre-application proposals, we will not accept new submissions at the present time.

For up to date information on our current way of working, including information on Planning Board, please visit out our website:

Please bear with us, where necessary we will be requesting extensions of target to 31 August 2020 to enable Officers to manage their workload and carry out any outstanding consultations.  If you have any specific queries or concerns please discuss with your Case Officer first but you can also contact one of the Team Leaders: Rachel Tadman email: [email address] or Simon Trafford email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear BETechnical,

Thanks Lisa, got it. I've just sent six photos: three from last September and three from April 2020.

The Email addresses must have been stripped out by ... it certainly wasn't my laptop!

Yours sincerely,

David Poyner

BETechnical, Mendip District Council

Dear David,

Thank you for the information and photos.

We have passed your query onto our property team who are looking into this for you.

Kind Regards

Zoë Phillips

Technical Case Officer
Mendip District Council,
Council Offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet,
Somerset,BA4 5BT
Customer Services: 0300 303 8588
E-mail:  [email address]
To view the Planning Applications on our Website, please go to:

PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the evolving situation with COVID-19 we are operating a reduced service with regard to planning applications, listed building consents and works to trees.
We will, as far as practicable, continue to progress your application to a satisfactory decision but this may take a little longer than usual. 
• Officers will no longer be carrying out meetings with Applicants or Agents either in the office or on site. 
• Officers will not be carrying out site visits for current planning applications or pre-application submissions at the present time.  
Whilst we will continue to consider current pre-application proposals, other than enquiries for businesses or related to economic development, we will not accept new submissions until further notice.
Please bear with us and we would appreciate your agreement to extensions of targets where requested to enable Officers to manage their workload.  If you have any specific queries or concerns please first discuss with your Case Officer but you can also contact:
[email address] or Simon Trafford email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Sugg, Benjamin, Mendip District Council

Link: [1]File-List
Link: [2]Edit-Time-Data
Link: [3]themeData
Link: [4]colorSchemeMapping

[5]MendipDC_Standard_CMYK  Customer Services

  Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5BT

  Telephone:  0300 303 8588 Fax: 01749 344050

   Email: [6][email address]




My Ref 2020/301 Direct Line: 01749 341384
Please Reply to: Ben Sugg Ext: 384
e-mail [8][email address] Fax: 01749 341542



Dear David Poyner



               Iron Bollards in St John's Car Park


I acknowledge your request for access to information under the Freedom of
Information Act (2000).


The Council will supply the requested information by the statutory
deadline of 2020-08-14, subject to any exemptions or exceptions that may


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding
your request. Further information about your Information Rights can be
found on the Council's [9]website


Yours sincerely



Ben Sugg

Technical & Administrative Officer
(Information Governance)



Visible links
1. file:///tmp/Customer%20Services_files/filelist.xml
2. file:///tmp/Customer%20Services_files/editdata.mso
3. file:///tmp/Customer%20Services_files/themedata.thmx
4. file:///tmp/Customer%20Services_files/colorschememapping.xml
6. mailto:[email address]
8. mailto:[email address]

Sugg, Benjamin, Mendip District Council

3 Attachments


[1]MendipDC_Standard_CMYKCustomer Services

Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5BT

Telephone:  0300 303 8588 Fax: 01749 344050

Email: [2][email address]



My Ref 2020/301 Direct 01749
Line: 341384
Please Ben Sugg Ext: 384
e-mail [4][email address]



10 August 2020


Dear Mr Poyner


Re:     Freedom of Information Act 2000

           Request for access to Information Reference Number: 2020/301

          Iron Bollards in St John's Car Park


With reference to your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000,
please find Mendip District Council’s reply to the information you have
requested on the attached Response.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries relating to
your request.



Yours sincerely



Ben Sugg

Technical & Administrative Officer
(Information Governance)












Copyright and the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations


Most of the information that we provide in response to Freedom of
Information Act 2000 requests will be subject to copyright protection. In
most cases the copyright will be owned by Mendip District Council. The
copyright in other information may be owned by another person or
organisation, as indicated in the information itself.


You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including
for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also be used for
the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for
example, by publishing the information or issuing copies to the public
will require the permission of the copyright owner.


For information where the copyright is owned by Mendip District Council
please submit a request in writing stating:-


·         Name and address of applicant requiring permission for re-use of
the information


·         Full details of the document/information required for re-use
sufficient for the Council to identify it


·         The purpose for which the document/information is to be re-used


For information where the copyright is owned by another person or
organisation, you must apply to the copyright owner to obtain their



Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]