IOPC / IPCC Referrals and or investigations concerning (Northumbria') police covered up' sex scandal bust-up as Line of Duty cops quiz ex-chiefs ....
Martin McGartland
29 July 2020
Dear Independent Office for Police Conduct,
I am requesting information under FOIA concerning;
1. Any referrals made to IOPC/IPCC re: (Northumbria') police covered up' sex scandal bust-up as Line of Duty cops quiz ex-chiefs .... case by;
(a) Staffordshire Police as a result of their review / investigation requested by PCC of Northumbria;
(b) PCC and or of OPCC Northumbria;
(c) Northumbria police.
2. Any investigation/s (including oversight) by IOPC/IPCC concerning said case?
3. Regards 2 above, what is reason / ground/s - if any - for IOPC / IPCC investigation/s (including any oversight)?
4. Regards 3 and 3 above, has the IOPC / IPCC made any contact with the CPS / DPP (including submitting any file/s) concerning said case? If so, (a) for what reason? (b) when, what date/s?
Yours faithfully,
Martin McGartland
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FOI & DPA Team
Dear Mr McGartland
Thank you for your correspondence to the IOPC in which you made a request for information. This request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). We will now consult with the relevant department to gather the response to your request.
We propose to respond to you on or before the 27 August 2020 in line with the timescales prescribed by the FOIA.
While we are aiming to complete your request within that timeframe, it is possible that our response will be delayed as a result of our current working arrangements under the COVID-19 outbreak. We will keep you updated should we be unable to respond by the due date.
If you have any questions about this request please contact us. Please remember to quote reference number 1008562 in any future correspondence about this matter.
Yours sincerely
FOI and DPA Team
Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
PO Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel: 0300 020 0096
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Dear Mr McGartland
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Yours sincerely
FOI and DPA Team
Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC)
PO Box 473
M33 0BW
Tel: 0300 020 0096
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