Mr. Hugh McCloy
request received via email: 11/02/2010
Dear Mr. McCloy
Request for information – Freedom of Information Act 2000 I am writing to confirm that the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency has now
completed its search for the information held by it which you requested via email on
A copy of the information is enclosed.
Under the terms of the legislation, if you are unhappy with this response you have the right
to seek a review within the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency in the first instance.
If you wish to do so, please write to FOI Review Officer, Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem
Agency, Centre House, 79 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JE.
If after such a review you are still unhappy with the response, you have the right to appeal
to the Information Commissioner who will undertake an independent review.
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Ronan Durnin
Information Manager
Information Requested
Please provide details of recorded suicides of NIGALA do not hold the information
natural parents and minors as a result or
following unlawful removal of minors to
Local Authority Care over the past fourteen
years, in cases where guardian ad litem
N.Ireland have been involved for the past 5
Please provide details of the amount of
NIGALA do not hold the information
cases in where a guardian ad litem have
requested. However we can supply the
been appointed to family law case, figures to following related information:
be released as,
A) The total number of care orders
A) involvement of guardian ad litem in
granted on a child in period
where a child was taken into care
(1/1/2005 to 31/12/2009) = 681.
B) involvement of guardian ad litem
when residence was maintained by a
This figure only identifies where the HSC
biological parent(s) or other
Trust has been granted a care order on the
biological family member.
for the past 5 years
NIGALA do not hold information where the
HSC Trust has removed a child from a family
placement into their care in the course of
proceedings or as part of their initial
application to court.
B) The number of residence orders
granted on a child in period
(1/1/2005 to 31/12/2009) = 95
NIGALA do not hold information in
relation to where residence has been
maintained within a family unit
As is evident from our responses above, NIGALA do not hold the information that you have
I have consulted with representatives from the Health and Social Care Board with a view to
transferring your request. HSC Board do not hold the information you seek access to
therefore, I suggest that you contact each of the Health and Social Care Trusts for this
For your convenience, I have included the contact details of each HSC Trust should you wish
to request information from these organisations.
Contact Details
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Public Liaison
Belfast HSC Trust
1st Floor, Nore Villa
Knockbracken Healthcare Park
Belfast, BT8 8BH
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Head of Corporate Records
Southern Health & Social Care Trust
10 Moyallen Road
County Down
BT63 5JY
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Information Governance Department
Health & Care Centre
39 Regent Street
Co Down
BT23 4AD
No email address provided on website for FOI
Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Information Governance Office
Causeway House,
8e Coleraine Road,
County Antrim,
BT53 6BP
Western Health and Social Care Trust
Mr D Houston
Information Governance Manager
Bridgeview House
Gransha Park
Clooney Road
BT47 6TG