Involvement in family law cases
Dear Guardian Ad Litem (Northern Ireland),
1)Please provide details of recorded suicides of natural parents and minors as a result or following unlawful removal of minors to Local Authority Care over the past fourteen years, in cases where guardian ad litem N.Ireland have been involved for the past 5 years.
2) Please provide details of the amount of cases in where a guardian ad litem have been appointed to family law case, figures to be released as,
A) involvement of guardian ad litem in where a child was taken into care
B) involvement of guardian ad litem when residence was maintained by biological parent(s) or other biological family member.
for the past 5 years
Yours faithfully,
hugh mc cloy
Dear Mr. McCloy
Request for information - Freedom of Information Act 2000
I am writing to confirm that the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency
has now completed its search for the information held by it which you
requested via email on 09/02/2010
A copy of the information is enclosed. I would be grateful if you could
confirm receipt of this email.
Under the terms of the legislation, if you are unhappy with this response
you have the right to seek a review within the Northern Ireland Guardian
Ad Litem Agency in the first instance. If you wish to do so, please write
to FOI Review Officer, Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency, Centre
House, 79 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4JE.
If after such a review you are still unhappy with the response, you have
the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner who will undertake an
independent review.
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Ronan Durnin
Ronan Durnin
Information Manager
79 Chichester Street
02890 316557
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