Invoices paid April 2009 to June 2009

The request was partially successful.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Please provide me with a list of all individual invoices by
company/organisation name, date and amount over the sum of £500.00
received & paid by Aberdeenshire Council for the financial years
2009 to June 2009

Please confirm the date the invoices were paid.

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email or website enquiry. We aim to reply to you in the
first instance within 5 working days.

Please do not reply to this email. If you need to contact us again please
email [Aberdeenshire Council request email] quoting the
reference number at the foot of this email in the subject line.


Aberdeenshire Freedom of Information Enquiries

Please include '[ACE/536559] Freedom of Information request - Invoices paid
April 2009 to June 2009' In the subject line of any further e-mail
This will aid our automated e-mail system reference your previous e-mail.

This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Aberdeenshire Council

1 Attachment

Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request.

Thank You
This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Aberdeenshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Invoices paid April 2009 to June 2009'.

I have been trying to get information from Aberdeenshire Council in respect of my request, each time it is refused and I can find no link on the Council website that might even hint at where to get it without cost. Now the Council says my request this time is "vexatious" and I feel insulted by this remark. I now also feel that the Council is doing its best to withhold this Information.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email or website enquiry. We aim to reply to you in the
first instance within 5 working days.

Please do not reply to this email. If you need to contact us again please
email [Aberdeenshire Council request email] quoting the
reference number at the foot of this email in the subject line.


Aberdeenshire Freedom of Information Enquiries

Please include '[ACE/542318] Internal review of Freedom of Information
request - Invoices paid April 2009 to June 2009' In the subject line of any
further e-mail correspondence.
This will aid our automated e-mail system reference your previous e-mail.

This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Mr Ovens

I acknowledge receipt of your email of 28 November, 2013, requesting a
Review of the Council’s response to your request for information.

The Council’s Internal Review Procedure provides for a Review Panel of
Senior Officers to consider written submissions from both sides. Please
let me know if there is anything more you wish to put before the Review
Panel in addition to the comments in your email. You are entitled to have
the decision of the Review Panel sent to you within 20 working days of my
receipt of your email. That means my reply with the decision of the Review
Panel has to be sent by Tuesday, 31 December.

Yours sincerely

Alastair Nicol
Principal Committee Officer
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Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Mr Ovens

I refer to previous correspondence and now write to advise you of the
outcome of the FOI Review Panel meeting. The Panel agreed that your request
was not vexatious and instructed the Finance service to respond to your
request by means other than a Vexatious Notice.

A formal decision notice and statement of reasons will follow.

Yours sincerely

Alastair Nicol
Clerk to FOI Review Panel

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Aberdeenshire Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ovens

I refer to previous correspondence and now enclose the Review Panel's
formal decision notice and statement of reasons.

Yours sincerely

Alastair Nicol
Clerk to FOI Review Panel
This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,
Thanks for the reply but can you tell me how short I need to make a request (time wise) before it doesn't cost anything? I have reduced my time span already by years to get the information.

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email or website enquiry. We aim to reply to you in the
first instance within 5 working days.

Please do not reply to this email. If you need to contact us again please
email [Aberdeenshire Council request email] quoting the
reference number at the foot of this email in the subject line.


Aberdeenshire Freedom of Information Enquiries

Please include '[ACE/546407] Re: Freedom of Information request - Invoices
paid April 2009 to June 2009' In the subject line of any further e-mail
This will aid our automated e-mail system reference your previous e-mail.

This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Aberdeenshire Council

2 Attachments

  • Attachment

    ACE 536559 response.doc

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  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Please find enclosed a response to your Freedom of Information request
This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,
Thank you, I await your response.

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email or website enquiry. We aim to reply to you in the
first instance within 5 working days.

Please do not reply to this email. If you need to contact us again please
email [Aberdeenshire Council request email] quoting the
reference number at the foot of this email in the subject line.


Aberdeenshire Freedom of Information Enquiries

Please include '[ACE/549531] Re: Freedom of Information request - Invoices
paid April 2009 to June 2009' In the subject line of any further e-mail
This will aid our automated e-mail system reference your previous e-mail.

This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,
Do you have an update in regards to my information request? You said that you would supply me with 2 months free and I have heard nothing since.

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email or website enquiry. We aim to reply to you in the
first instance within 5 working days.

Please do not reply to this email. If you need to contact us again please
email [Aberdeenshire Council request email] quoting the
reference number at the foot of this email in the subject line.


Aberdeenshire Freedom of Information Enquiries

Please include '[ACE/553148] Re: Freedom of Information request - Invoices
paid April 2009 to June 2009' In the subject line of any further e-mail
This will aid our automated e-mail system reference your previous e-mail.

This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Aberdeenshire Council

2 Attachments

Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.

Thank You
This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.

Dear Aberdeenshire Council,
Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

Aberdeenshire Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your email or website enquiry. We aim to reply to you in the
first instance within 5 working days.

Please do not reply to this email. If you need to contact us again please
email [Aberdeenshire Council request email] quoting the
reference number at the foot of this email in the subject line.


Aberdeenshire Freedom of Information Enquiries

Please include '[ACE/555984] Re: Freedom of Information request - Invoices
paid April 2009 to June 2009' In the subject line of any further e-mail
This will aid our automated e-mail system reference your previous e-mail.

This e-mail may contain privileged information intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error, please accept our apologies and notify the sender, deleting the e-mail afterwards. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the e-mail's author and do not necessarily represent those of Aberdeenshire Council.