
The request was successful.

Dear Clackmannanshire Council,

Please provide me with a list of all individual invoices by
company/organisation name, date and amount over the sum of £500.00
received & paid by Clackmannanshire Council for the financial years 2008/09
& 2009/10. Please confirm the date the invoices were paid.

Please confirm when you will comply with recommendations and
guidance from the Government to publish this information on a
regular basis on the Council website.

Yours faithfully,

B ovens

Ann Nisbet, Clackmannanshire Council

Clackmannanshire Council,
Greenfield, Alloa, Clackmannanshire
FK10 2AD

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Dear Ann Nisbet,

You have answered the wrong request. Can you tell me if my original request is being looked into?

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens

Alan Murray, Clackmannanshire Council

1 Attachment

Mr. Ovens,

You asked in your FOI about the costs involved in erecting and taking down
our traffic count equipment. I responded with the costs and the number of
times we have used them over the last 5 years. Can you explain why you
think this is the wrong response?

Alan Murray
Team Leader - Traffic & Transportation

Ann Nisbet/CLACKS To Alan Murray/CLACKS@CLACKS
29/09/2010 14:06 Subject DEV038A028


Brian Ovens has e-mailed me today saying this is the wrong response to
this FOI. Can you advise please?



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Dear Alan Murray,

The reason being, my request on this issue was the following........

Please provide me with a list of all individual invoices by
company/organisation name, date and amount over the sum of £500.00
received & paid by Clackmannanshire Council for the financial years
& 2009/10. Please confirm the date the invoices were paid.

Please confirm when you will comply with recommendations and
guidance from the Government to publish this information on a
regular basis on the Council website.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens

Alan Murray, Clackmannanshire Council

Dear Mr Ovens,

I think you are mixing up your FOI requests. That is not the question that
I am replying to.

The question that you asked and which I have given you a reply to was

Your Question:

You mentioned the boxes are moved and put up for *25 plus van costs,
can you give me a total of how many times these boxes have been
moved and put up, this includes the total for van use,
manpower/petrol/diesel etc? Last 5 years is fine.


It takes on average 1.25 hours (1 hour and 15 minutes) to take in an SDR
radar car counter, download the information, re-set it and re-erect it at
another site. This job is done by one member of staff using a Council van.
Total cost of member of staff (this includes salary and overheads)is
*15.33 / hour; hire of van including diesel, servicing and other overheads
is *2.70 / hour.

We have deployed the SDR counters 270 times in the last 5 years.

Alan Murray
Team Leader - Traffic & Transportation

brian ovens To Alan Murray
<[FOI #47540 email]> <[email address]>
30/09/2010 17:10 Subject Re: DEV038A028

Dear Alan Murray,

The reason being, my request on this issue was the

Please provide me with a list of all individual invoices by
company/organisation name, date and amount over the sum of *500.00
received & paid by Clackmannanshire Council for the financial years
& 2009/10. Please confirm the date the invoices were paid.

Please confirm when you will comply with recommendations and
guidance from the Government to publish this information on a
regular basis on the Council website.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens

show quoted sections

Dear Alan Murray,
The ref number for my request is...... DEV038A028

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens

Dear Clackmannanshire Council,
Have you managed to have a look at this request yet? Thanks

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

ContactCentre, Clackmannanshire Council

Thank you for your enquiry, I have forwarded this to our Freedom Of
Information Department.
Their direct email is: [email address].

Vanessa Tracey
Customer Contact Centre
Clackmannanshire Council

Tel: (01259) 450000

brian ovens To FOI requests at
<[FOI #47540 email]> Clackmannanshire Council
<[Clackmannanshire Council request email]>
04/10/2010 10:19 cc
Subject Re: Freedom of Information
request - Invoices

Dear Clackmannanshire Council,
Have you managed to have a look at this request yet? Thanks

Yours faithfully,

brian ovens

show quoted sections

Dear ContactCentre,
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens

Ann Dickson, Clackmannanshire Council

1 Attachment

  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Clackmannanshire Council,
Greenfield, Alloa, Clackmannanshire
FK10 2AD

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Dear Ann Dickson,
Thanks for the information but you have missed out answering one of my questions, here it is again.......

Please confirm when you will comply with recommendations and
guidance from the Government to publish this information on a
regular basis on the Council website.

Thanks again, and have a nice weekend.

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens

Ann Dickson, Clackmannanshire Council

The Council has dealt with your contact on this topic as a request for
information. You have asked, on a number of occasions, for access to
information held by this Council and these requests have all been
responded to having due regard for the Freedom of Information Act
requirements. You will be aware that the Act requires the Council to
consider the release of all information held that relates to a particular
enquiry. On this occasion, you have been advised that 'you were not
asking for information held'. It may assist if I repeat that a little
more formally:

In relation to Section 17(1)(b) of the Act, I am obliged to give you
formal notice that the information you have requested is not held by this

I have closed this enquiry.

Thank you.

Ann Dickson

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Visible links

Dear Ann Dickson,

Though Im disappointed in you closing this thread, I would like to thank you for your help in other areas.

Yours sincerely,

brian ovens