Investments in Icelandic banks

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

The Audit commission report indicated that Cambridge City Council had 'invested' £9 million in Icelandic banks which have subsequently gone bust.

Please confirm the amounts and dates of any deposits and withdrawals over £100,000 in calendar year 2008.

Yours faithfully,

Ian Tyes

Charity Main, Cambridge City Council

Dear Mr Tyes

I acknowledge receipt of your request for information on investments in
Icelandic banks under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In accordance
with the Act we will send you the information within 20 working days i.e.
by 27 April at the latest.

Yours sincerely

Charity Main
Accountant (Projects and Publications)
Cambridge City Council
Telephone 01223 458152

>>> Ian Tyes <[FOI #9779 email]> 26-03-2009 09:33
Dear Sir or Madam,

The Audit commission report indicated that Cambridge City Council
had 'invested' £9 million in Icelandic banks which have
subsequently gone bust.


Please confirm the amounts and dates of any deposits and
withdrawals over £100,000 in calendar year 2008.

Yours faithfully,

Ian Tyes

show quoted sections

Richard Taylor left an annotation ()

I received the information being sought by this request from the Leader of the Council in December 2008. I suggested it ought be published on the council's website and made it available via myself - see page two of:

Cambridge City Council's last investment in an Icelandic bank was £2m on the 1st of July 2008.

This date is put into context by a report by the Audit Commission published on the 26th of March 2009 which shows how the warning signs were building from at least February 2008.
Link to the report:

Further information from my website:


Richard Taylor


Charity Main, Cambridge City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Tyes

I attach the information you requested under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000.

If you are not happy with the way in which your request has been dealt
with please contact Julia Minns, Head of Accounting Services. You may
also contact the Information Commissioner if you are still not happy with
the way your request has been dealt with. The Information
Commissioner’s address is:

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Yours sincerely

Charity Main
Accountant (Projects and Publications)
Cambridge City Council
Telephone 01223 458152

>>> Ian Tyes <[FOI #9779 email]> 26-03-2009 09:33
Dear Sir or Madam,

The Audit commission report indicated that Cambridge City Council
had 'invested' £9 million in Icelandic banks which have
subsequently gone bust.


Please confirm the amounts and dates of any deposits and
withdrawals over £100,000 in calendar year 2008.

Yours faithfully,

Ian Tyes

show quoted sections