Investment intact.

Pat Aspinall made this Freedom of Information request to Royal Mail Group Limited
This authority is not subject to FOI law, so is not legally obliged to respond (details).
This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

Royal Mail Group Limited did not have the information requested.

Dear Royal Mail Group Limited,

Under network transformation how many sub postmasters have received the discretionary termination payment when leaving network.

Yours faithfully,

Pat Aspinall

Royal Mail Group Limited

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Aspinall,


Thank you for your request for information received on 07 September 2012,
which we are considering under the Freedom of Information Act. Under the
Act you should expect a reply from us to be sent by 05 October 2012, which
is twenty working days from receipt of your request.

If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a full response within
that time, we will contact you explaining the reasons for this and giving
a revised date by which we will reply.  

If in the meantime you have any questions or would like to contact us
about your request, please contact us by telephone 0207 250 2647 or
alternatively email or write to us at the address below.  Please be
assured that we are giving this our attention and will get back to you

Yours sincerely

Cory Alexis

Freedom of Information Support
1^st Floor, Bunhill Row Wing
148 Old Street

Post Office Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Registered No.
2154540. Registered Office 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ. Post Office
and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Ltd.

Dear Ms Aspinall,


Ref: Freedom of Information Request - CALS-8XZBX8


I am writing in response to your email received by Post Office Limited on
7 September 2012, which I am dealing with under the terms of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.


In your email you have requested the following information:


Under network transformation how many sub postmasters have received the
discretionary termination payment when leaving network.

As a business it is essential that we modernise our network so we’re
better able to meet the needs of our customers in the digital age.
 Working with Government we have developed a strategy that is sustainable,
achievable and which is focussed on growth and modernisation.


The move to new, more modern branches is a key part of that strategy and
sees the largest investment and support programme in the history of Post
Office Ltd.  Over the next three years, the Post Office will transform
around 6,000 branches to one of our new-style local and main branches. 
The network transformation programme will create a more modern and
convenient retail experience for customers through refurbished branches; a
simplified face-to-face service; and in many cases, much longer opening


We are still in the preparatory phase of the programme and we are engaging
with subpostmasters to understand individual preferences.  At the time of
your request no discretionary termination payments have been made as part
of the network transformation Programme.  Therefore I can confirm that we
do not hold the information you have requested.  


If I can be of further help or you have any queries about this response
please contact me via the email address [1][email address].


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of this response, you do have a
right to request an internal review. You can do this by writing to the
address below stating your reasons for your internal review request:


Senior Engagement & Involvement Manager

Post Office Ltd

1^st Floor, Old Street Wing,

148 Old Street



[2][email address]


If, having requested an internal review by Post Office Ltd, you are still
not satisfied with our response you also have a right of appeal to the
Information Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 01625 545 700



Yours sincerely


Kerry Moodie

Information Rights Team Leader

1^st Floor, Old Street Wing

148 Old Street




Post Office Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Registered No.
2154540. Registered Office 148 Old Street, London, EC1V 9HQ. Post Office
and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Ltd.




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