Intranet Queries
Dear Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists,
I am writing to make a request for all the information to which I am entitled under Freedom of Information Act 2000. My requests are outlined below as specifically as possible to help you retrieve the information required. However, if any of the below is unclear, I would appreciate if you could contact me as I understand that under the act, you are required to assist requesters.
Please could you provide the following information:
1) How many employees are working for your organisation, including full-time, part-time, and contracted staff?
2) What is your annual intranet budget?
3) What is your current intranet solution? (e.g. Invotra, Sharepoint, Kahootz, Umbraco)
4) How long have you been using this solution, and when does your contract expire?
5) Do you work with an external partner to supply your intranet? If not, do you develop your intranet internally?
6) Which team/individual is responsible for managing your intranet internally?
7) Which other organisations have access to your intranet?
8) Do you share IT services with other organisations?
9) Are you using the Office 365 suite? If so, which applications from the suite are in use?
10) Who is responsible for your intranet’s procurement within the organisation?
11) Do you use Microsoft’s Active Directory to manage your people data? If so, is your Active Directory (AD) managed on-premise or in the cloud?
12) Do you use any other Software as a Service (SaaS) applications? (e.g. Atlassian/Jira, Slack, Trello, Xero)
If possible, please could you present the information via a Microsoft Word or Excel document, sent to me via email. I understand that under the act, I should be entitled to a response within 20 days and therefore I would appreciate if you could confirm receipt of my request.
Yours faithfully,
Louis James
Dear Mr James
FOI 2019 - 6
I acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
We will respond within the statutory time limit of 20 working days.
Please quote the above reference in any correspondence.
Glenn Reed
Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists
1 Horse Guards Road (Room 3.26)
London, SW1A 2HQ
t: 020 7271 8827
e: [1][Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists request email]
w: [2]
Dear Mr James
FOI 2019 - 6
Thank you for your email request for information to the Office of the
Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists (ORCL) on 25 October 2019, which has
been considered under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In your email you asked:
1) How many employees are working for your organisation, including
full-time, part-time, and contracted staff?
2) What is your annual intranet budget?
3) What is your current intranet solution? (e.g. Invotra, Sharepoint,
Kahootz, Umbraco)
4) How long have you been using this solution, and when does your contract
5) Do you work with an external partner to supply your intranet? If not,
do you develop your intranet internally?
6) Which team/individual is responsible for managing your intranet
7) Which other organisations have access to your intranet?
8) Do you share IT services with other organisations?
9) Are you using the Office 365 suite? If so, which applications from the
suite are in use?
10) Who is responsible for your intranet’s procurement within the
11) Do you use Microsoft’s Active Directory to manage your people data? If
so, is your Active Directory (AD) managed on-premise or in the cloud?
12) Do you use any other Software as a Service (SaaS) applications? (e.g.
Atlassian/Jira, Slack, Trello, Xero)
1. Three part-time staff, a full-time equivalent of 1.6 staff, work for
the Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists (ORCL).
2-11. All IT and service functions are provided to ORCL by the Cabinet
Office (although please see the answer to question 12 below). As such,
ORCL does not have its own intranet. If you require information about the
Cabinet Office's intranet, I suggest that you contact the Cabinet office
FOI team at [1][email address]
12. ORCL uses a bespoke version of Salesforce to run the on-line register
of Consultant Lobbyists.
If you have any queries about the content of this reply please contact me
directly, quoting the reference above in any communication.
If you are not content with our response, you may apply directly to the
Information Commissioner for a decision.the Information Commissioner can
be contacted at:
The Office of the Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water lane
Glenn Reed
Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists
1 Horse Guards Road (Room 3.26)
London, SW1A 2HQ
t: 020 7271 8827
e: [2][Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists request email]
w: [3]
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