International Nurse Recruitment
Dear NHS Trust,
Please can you provide answers for the following questions:
1. How many nursing vacancies per specialty are there currently in the trust?
2. During the financial year 22/23, which international nurse recruitment partners did you use, if any?
3. Outside of the procurement team who is the Senior Officer responsible for International Nurse Recruitment?
4. What was the international nurse recruitment spend by the trust for the financial year 22/23?
5. How many international nurses did the trust receive in the financial year 22/23?
Yours faithfully,
Zoe Upshall
Thank you for contacting the Freedom of Information Team at Salisbury NHS
Foundation Trust.
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We will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of your freedom of information
request within 1 working day.
The Trust is still facing unprecedented challenges. Understandably, our
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our front-line colleagues who are working tremendously hard to provide
care for our patients, to those in need of our services.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will resume our
normal service as soon as possible and thank you in advance for your
Please be aware the Trust will issue a Section 21 and 22 exemptions if the
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Please be aware that in order to process your Freedom of Information
request we require a full name.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Information Governance Department
Salisbury District Hospital
Odstock Road
01722 336262 ext. 5861
[17][Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust request email]
Thank you for the request for information you have sent in under the
[1]Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We will endeavour to answer your request within the next 20 working
Should your request fall under any of the exemptions of the [2]Freedom
of Information Act 2000, we will not be able to answer your request,
however, we will inform you as to why it has been deemed as exempt.
The Information Governance Team
Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
Visible links
Salisbury NHS
Foundation Trust
Salisbury District
Department of
Information Technology
11^th August 2023
Reference No: FOI_7365
Dear Zoe Upshall
Regarding your request for information that we received on the 9^th August 2023, attached to this
email is the information you requested. We hope this information is satisfactory and meets your
intended request requirements. Should this information not answer your questions, please contact us
using the email address at the bottom of this email, or you can write to us using the address above.
Question No. 1
How many nursing vacancies per specialty are there currently in the trust?
Answer No. 1
Please see attached
To accompany this answer please also see the documents listed below that are also attached to this
• FOI 7365 Q1.xlsx
Question No. 2
During the financial year 22/23, which international nurse recruitment partners did you use, if any?
Answer No. 2
Question No. 3
Outside of the procurement team who is the Senior Officer responsible for International Nurse
Answer No. 3
Sharon Holt [2][email address]
Question No. 4
What was the international nurse recruitment spend by the trust for the financial year 22/23?
Answer No. 4
Question No. 5
How many international nurses did the trust receive in the financial year 22/23?
Answer No. 5
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact us at
[3][email address]
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