Internal Transport

The request was partially successful.

Dear Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,

Please could you let me know the answer to the three questions
below relating to the Trust’s internal transport provision for the
likes of internal mail, pathology specimens, sterile services
department, electro-biomedical engineering, pharmacy, patient
records and stores.

1. Who is your current provider?
2. How much do you pay for the services per year?
3. When was the contract/service level agreement last market tested
to ensure best value?
4. Who is the person(s) responsible for such transport and what are
their postal, phone and email addresses.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Mason

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Mason

Please find attached letter re your recent FOI request. I will be in
touch again once the information has been collated


Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator

Risk Department

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD

Direct Dial: 01777 247353

Fax: 01777 247508

Email address: [1][email address]

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1. mailto:[email address]

Paul Sue, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Mason

Please find attached response to your recent FOI request. Please confirm
receipt to allow me to close the file.


Sue Paul

Risk Systems Administrator

Risk Department

Rampton Hospital

DN22 0PD

Direct Dial: 01777 247353

Fax: 01777 247508

Email address: [1][email address]

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Paul Sue,

Thank you for the very limited information provided.

Yours sincerely,

Oliver Mason