Integrated Dataset: children and young people
Dear Kent County Council,
with regards to integrated datasets (* for example but not only any Analytical Hubs, Early Help Profiling, Research and Intelligence, Resident Index) and children and young people, please can you provide the following information under the FOI Act 2000, and as of the date of receipt:
1. How many individuals under 18 are in the dataset today,
2. How many individuals were under 18 at the time of their addition to the dataset but are now over 18,
3. The dataset retention period
4. The privacy notice or explanation given to the child / young person / parent or guardian (responsible adult for the child) about their data and the integrated dataset, its controller, and purposes -- please indicate whether this was provided at the time of the data collection, or upon its addition to the new integrated system, if the data were collected at an earlier date. To be clear this should be explicit about the datasharing and integration dataset, not a generic website privacy policy for example.
5. A list of the data sources which feed into the integrated dataset (*) and their data controller e.g: data source: NHS risk stratification dataset, controller: the local CCG.
6. Confirm whether or not any data collected in schools or educational datasets may be used in the dataset, and if so,
a) the pathway of the request and data sharing. (e.g Integrated hub makes monthly request to Local Authority (LA) for named individuals' data, LA provides data directly from LA database called X, or Integrated hub makes request by email to local Academy Trust for all children on admission.)
b) its frequency (i.e. on demand, monthly, annual etc)
Thank you for your consideration.
Jen Persson
Information request
Our reference: 4368666
Dear Ms Persson
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your email which we received on 6 December 2018.
Kent County Council acknowledges your request for information under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Assuming KCC holds this information,
we will endeavour to supply the data to you as soon as possible but no
later than 8 January 2019 (20 working days from date of receipt).
We will advise you as soon as possible if we do not hold this information
or if there are exemptions to be considered and/or any costs for providing
the information.
Please quote our reference - 4368666 in any communication regarding this
particular request.
Yours sincerely
Kelly Leeson
Strategic and Corporate Services
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
Information request
Our reference: 4368666
Dear Ms Persson
Thank you for your request for information received on 6 December 2018.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely
Carly Wattle
Information Access Officer
Strategic and Corporate Services
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
Dear Kent County Council,
FOI Reference: 4368666
Thank you for your reply. Please can you provide the missing attachment mentioned in reply to question 5: "The KID (Public Health) - Please find a full list attached."
Many thanks.
Jen Persson
Dear Ms Persson,
Thank you for your email below and please accept my sincerest apologies
for not sending you the attachment.
Please see the attachment provided.
Kind regards
Carly Wattle | Information Access Officer | Information Resilience &
Transparency Team | Kent County Council | Room 2.87, Sessions House,
Maidstone, ME14 1XQ | Phone 03000 417061 | Fax 03000 420303 |[1]Access to
Information | Please see our [2]Information Rights Privacy Notice for
details of how we process your personal data in line with our data
protection obligations.
Dear Ms Persson
Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in providing the
spreadsheet that we referred to in our original response.
Unfortunately, your email pointing out our oversight went into an
unallocated part of our iCasework system and I have only just picked this
up following an audit.
If you are unhappy with this response, and believe KCC has not complied
with legislation, you have 40 working days from the date of this response
to ask for a review. You can do this by following our complaints process;
details can be found at this link
on our website. Please quote reference 4368666.
If you remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you can appeal to
the Information Commissioner, who oversees compliance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. Details of what you need to do, should you wish to
pursue this course of action, are available from the Information
Commissioner's website [2]
Best regards
Caroline Dodge | Information Governance Manager | Information Resilience &
Transparency Team | Kent County Council | Room 2.87, Sessions House,
Maidstone, ME14 1XQ | Phone 03000 416033 | Fax 03000 420303 | [3]Access
to Information | Please see our [4]Information Rights Privacy Notice for
details of how we process your personal data in line with our data
protection obligations |
Dear Kent County Council,
FOI Reference: 4368666
Thank you for your reply. Please can you provide the missing attachment
mentioned in reply to question 5: "The KID (Public Health) - Please find a
full list attached."
Many thanks.
Jen Persson
Dear Kent County Council,
Thank you. I appreciate your follow up to provide this.
Jen Persson
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