Information Governance
Medical Directorate
NHS Grampian
Rosehill House
Foresterhill Site
Cornhill Road
AB25 2ZG
Date 17 March 2023
Lynne Duff
Our Ref
Enquiries to Information Governance Team
Direct Line 01224 551319
Dear Ms Duff
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 I refer to your e-mail dated 15 February 2023, requesting:
"Can you please tell me how long the waiting list is for children with type 1 diabetes to
receive an insulin pump?
Can you also tell me how many children are on the waiting list?”
I can now respond as follows:
Can you please tell me how long the waiting list is for children with type 1 diabetes
to receive an insulin pump?
We have children already allocated to groups in March and April. Which means that
anybody suitable and ready is likely to go in the next group available. They might have to
wait a short time depending on pump choice as we do groups of the different pumps
according to demand. So potentially patients might have to wait 2-3 months at the
Can you also tell me how many children are on the waiting list?
As above. We do not currently have a waiting list as such but any requests coming in now
would be considered for groups after April which would then in turn create a wait of 2-3
Under section 20 (1) of the Act, if you are dissatisfied with the way NHS Grampian has
dealt with your request, you have a right to request a review of our actions and decisions
in relation to your request, and you have a right to appeal to the Scottish Information
A request for review must be made within 40 working days and should, in the first
instance, be in writing to: Directorate of Corporate Communications, Foresterhill House,
Foresterhill, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZB or by email to
Requests for appeal can be made by using the Scottish Information Commissioner’s online
service a
t or should be made in writing to: Scottish
Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife, KY16
9DS Telephone: 01334 464610, Fax: 01334 464611.
If you remain dissatisfied following an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner
your recourse is to the Court of Session on a point of law.
Yours sincerely
Roohi Bains
Information Governance Manager & Deputy DPO
NHS Grampian