Insourcing Utilisation

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear The NHS Trust,

Please can you provide some clarification the below queries:

- Has the trust utilised "Insourcing" with the FY 22/23?
- What was the insourcing spend by the trust for 22/23?
- How was Insourcing procured by the trust? Was a particular framework used?
- Outside of procurement team who is the Senior Officer responsible for Insourcing?

For clarity, 'insourcing' is defined as: "where an NHS organisation sub-contracts medical services/procedures. It differs to locum supply in that the full end to end service is provided, not just staff."

Yours faithfully,

Zoe Upshall


6 Attachments

Our Ref:           LLB/LG/JT/Access.83146-06-23 

Dear Ms Upshall.

We acknowledge receipt of your request for information received in this
office on  23^rd June 2023.

Please note, as the Freedom of Information Act requires us to produce your
requested information within 20 working days, any information we hold
should be sent out by 21^st July 2023.

In accordance with the Act no charge is applicable unless the costs
involved exceed £450.00.  You will be advised if a charge is appropriate
before the information is sent to you.

Please be aware that it is important that you advise us at the time of
each new application if you wish to re-use the information we provide for
commercial purposes.  When you receive our completed response and are
satisfied with the information provided we would be grateful if you could
email us to officially request re-use and for what purpose.  

Yours sincerely

Jan Taylor

Freedom of Information Support Officer

Sent by Jan Taylor (Mrs) on behalf of Lynsey Booth

Head of Information Governance & Records Management

Data Protection Officer and Copyright Lead

Information Governance Department

Direct dial: 0151 604 7120

Internal extension: 8477

Email [1][Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust request

Normal Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5pm


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