Dear Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust,
1. Do you insource any clinical services and which ones?
2. Do you have a contract with any company and who is that and for which insourcing services?
3. Did you procure this under any current framework and if so which one?
4. How is this charged for by the third party service provider per patient/per tariff
5. Are you currently being charged below, on or above NHS tariff?
6. Do you use substantively employed Trust staff to delivery all or part of the insourced service?
7. The total number of procedures completed by each supplier (named) in the following categories:
• Endoscopy
• Ophthalmology
• Neurology
• Dermatology
• All Other
8. The total spend completed by each supplier (named) per service area
9. Please give an annual breakdown per annum of insourcing services per service area:
• 15/16
• 16/17
• 17/18
• 18/19
Yours faithfully,
Sarah James
Good morning Sarah,
Freedom of Information Ref code FOI 9951
With reference to your request made under the Freedom of Information Act, Pennine Acute NHS Foundation Trust acknowledges receipt of your request for information and informs you that the process has been instigated. Our Reference number should be used in all future correspondence.
In accordance with Trust policy and the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, a period of 20 working days is assigned for processing your request. [Working days within the NHS refers to Mon-Fri.] We will provide you with an explanation if we find that there is any reason why this period may extend beyond the period prescribed by the Act.
Please contact us if you have any queries regarding the procedure.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Office
Northern Care Alliance
Salford/North Manchester/Oldham/Rochdale/Fairfield
Tel: 0161 206 6610
(NB all PAT & combined related responses should be addressed to the PAT dedicated FOI email address)
[email address]
Good afternoon,
The Trust has now completed collation of data to support a response to
your recent Freedom of Information requests for Pennine Acute NHS Trust
and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust.
Details requested have been attached to this email.
As part of the disclosure log, all responses to Freedom of Information
requests are posted on the Trust’s website. Please click on the link below
to view the response to your request.
Please click on the corresponding Trusts tab to view the information.
We trust these details will assist with your enquiries. If we can be of
any further assistance in the future please do not hesitate to contact us
As a Trust we are keen to monitor and improve the services we offer. We’d
be grateful if you could take the time to answer the following questions
and provide us with any other feedback that may assist us with this
|Were you satisfied with the handling of your request? |YES/NO|
|Was your request handled in a timely manner? |YES/NO|
|Were you provided with sufficient information to assist you with |YES/NO|
|your request? | |
Yours Sincerely
Freedom of Information Office
Northern Care Alliance
Salford/North Manchester/Oldham/Rochdale/Fairfield
Team Tel: 0161 206 6610 (working days Monday to Thursday)
Email: [2][email address]
Web: [3] [4]
twitter: @NCAlliance_NHS
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