Infrastructure - Data Storage

The request was partially successful.

Dear FOI Team,

I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.

Can you please provide an update on the following 4 questions regarding your Trust’s Infrastructure as it relates to the Data Storage element?

1. Please provide the following details about your Data Storage Cloud Provider:
Does your Data Storage use Cloud Provision (Yes / No)? –
Who is your main Cloud provider? –
Annual Spend 2020-21 (£’s) –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes – e.g. currently out for tender

2. Does your organisation plan to move your Data Storage to a cloud-based service in the next 2 years (Yes or No)? -
Main Supplier –
Additional Notes –

3. For each element detailed below, how does your organisation manage its data storage?

In-house data centre:
On Premise OR Off Premise (N/A if does not apply) –
Main Supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 (£’s) –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –

Shared service:
On Premise OR Off Premise (N/A if does not apply) –
Main supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 (£’s) –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –

Data Storage Management:
On Premise OR Off Premise (N/A if does not apply) –
Main supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 (£’s) –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –

Other (please specify)
On Premise OR Off Premise (N/A if does not apply) –
Main supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 (£’s) –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –

4. Does your Trust have an on-site data centre (Yes / No)? –
Do you plan to build an on-site data centre (Yes / No) –
If yes, what is the timeframe for this (Years) –
Who is your preferred supplier –

Thank you in advance for your time.

Kind regards,
Georgina Kovacs


Dear Sir/Madam

We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail requesting information from the Trust under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("the Act"). Please note that whilst the Trust strives to be open and is normally able to satisfy requests in full, the right of access is not absolute and we may therefore have to refuse queries, either in full or in part, on the basis of the exemptions (for example, in cases where disclosure would breach patient confidentiality, or put people in danger). All such decisions will be made, and fully justified, in accordance with the law.

We are required under the Act to respond to valid queries no later than the twentieth working day following receipt. Your request was received on 21/06/2022 , which means our deadline for response calculates to 19/07/2022.

If we are able to respond to you sooner than this, we will do so.

Should you have any queries or concerns in the meantime, please contact us directly using the e-mail address below - quoting reference number 2022-0383

Please note: if, having fully considered your request, we reasonably require further information in order to respond, we will request this from you by e-mail as soon as possible. In all such cases, the above timescales will be disregarded and the 20 working day clock shall instead begin once we have received the necessary clarification. There shall be no duty for us to comply with your request until we receive this information from you.

Kind Regards,

show quoted sections


1 Attachment

Dear Miss Kovacs
Please find attached herewith a response to your Freedom of Information
Kind regards


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