Infrastructre Information
Dear FOI Team,
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.
Can you please provide an update on the following 3 questions regarding your Trust’s Infrastructure?
1. For each element of IT infrastructure below, please provide the requested details (Main provider, annual spend 2021-2022, contract end date):
- Desktop management
- Networking
- Data Centre
- Server management
- IT Security
2. For each of the elements below, please provide details about your cloud provider (name, contract end date):
- Data storage
- Networking
- Back-up and archive
- Application databases
- Big Data analytics databases
3. For each of the elements below, does your organisation plan to move to a cloud-based service in the next 2 years?
- Data storage
- Networking
- Back-up and archive
- Processing and computer capacity
- Application databases
- Analytics databases
- Email and collaboration
- Other (Please specify)
Yours faithfully,
Miss G Kovacs
Dear Miss G Kovacs,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: FOI-2223-SG12865
Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which we received via email on 20 February 2023. We are processing your request and will respond to you shortly.
In the meantime, please find attached our leaflet offering guidance on our procedure for managing requests for information in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If you have any queries, please respond to this email quoting the above REF number.
Yours sincerely,
Claire Mott
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust.
Please note from 23rd July 2021 this email addressed changed to [email address]
Dear Miss G Kovacs,
Request under Freedom of Information Act 2000 – REF: FOI/2223-SG12865
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am writing to let you know we are still in the process of gathering the information you requested and, unfortunately, have been unable to respond within twenty working days of receipt of your request. Please accept our sincerest apologies for this delay. However, I am hopeful that we should be able to respond to your request in the next few days.
In the meantime, if you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Dear Miss G Kovacs,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request REF: FOI-2223-SG
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, which we received via email on 20 February 2023. Please find
attached our response.
If you have any queries please respond to this email quoting the above REF
Data Privacy Team
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
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