Telephone: Ely (01353) 665555
DX41001 ELY Fax: (01353) 665240
Further to your information request FOI/EIR 21/22-294 please find your question and our response below.
1. Do you have a formal IT security strategy? (Please provide a link to the strategy)
a) Yes
b) No
2. Does this strategy specifically address the monitoring of network attached device configurations to
identify any malicious or non-malicious change to the device configuration?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t know
3. If yes to Question 2, how do you manage this identification process – is it:
a) Totally automated – all configuration changes are identified and flagged without manual intervention.
b) Semi-automated – it’s a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify
configuration changes.
c) Mainly manual – most elements of the identification of configuration changes are manual.
4. Have you ever encountered a situation where user services have been disrupted due to an
accidental/non-malicious change that had been made to a device configuration?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Don’t know
5. If a piece of malware was maliciously uploaded to a device on your network, how quickly do you think it
would be identified and isolated?
a) Immediately
b) Within days
c) Within weeks
d) Not sure
6. How many devices do you have attached to your network that require monitoring?
a) Physical Servers: record number
b) PC’s & Notebooks: record number
7. Have you ever discovered devices attached to the network that you weren’t previously aware of?
a) Yes
b) No
If yes, how do you manage this identification process – is it:
a) Totally automated – all device configuration changes are identified and flagged without manual
b) Semi-automated – it’s a mixture of manual processes and tools that help track and identify unplanned
device configuration changes.
c) Mainly manual – most elements of the identification of unexpected device configuration changes are
8. How many physical devices (IP’s) do you have attached to your network that require monitoring for
configuration vulnerabilities?
Record Number:
9. Have you suffered any external security attacks that have used malware on a network attached device
to help breach your security measures?
a) Never
b) Not in the last 1-12 months
c) Not in the last 12-36 months
10. Have you ever experienced service disruption to users due to an accidental, non-malicious change
being made to device configurations?
a) Never
b) Not in the last 1-12 months
c) Not in the last 12-36 months
11. When a scheduled audit takes place for the likes of PSN or Cyber Essentials, how likely are you to
get significant numbers of audit fails relating to the status of the IT infrastructure?
a) Never
b) Occasionally
c) Frequently
d) Always
2. n/a
3. n/a
4. Information Refused Under Section 31
5. Information Refused Under Section 31
6. Information Refused Under Section 31
7. Information Refused Under Section 31
8. Information Refused Under Section 31
9. Information Refused Under Section 31
10. Information Refused Under Section 31
11. Information Refused Under Section 31
In respect of those requests that where answered in full or partially and the total refused please take
this as notice under FOIA, that we:
a) Consider the information as exempt from disclosure under the Act;
b) Claim exempt under sections of the Act:
Section 31(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000
c)State why the exemption applies:
31 Law enforcement.
(1) Information which is not exempt information by virtue of section 30 is exempt
information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice (a)the
prevention or detection of crime
We can neither confirm nor deny whether we hold this information. Section 31(1)(a) exempts
information if its disclosure under this Act would prejudice the prevention or detection of crime. By
confirming or denying whether we hold information of this type, this could in itself disclose information
which would, or would be likely to, prejudice the prevention or detection of crime.
This exemption covers all aspects of the prevention and detection of crime, including public
authorities without any specific law enforcement responsibilities. The exemption can be used not only
to withhold information provided to a law enforcement agency, but also to withhold information that
would make anyone, including the public authority itself, more vulnerable to crime. Further guidance
on section 31 can be found here:
As Section 31(1)(a) is a qualified exception, we, the authority, must consider the balance of public
interest in the circumstances of the request.
Arguments in favour of disclosing the information:
• There is public interest in the Council’s accountability and transparency.
Arguments in favour of withholding the information:
• While there may be public interest in knowing this information, the ICT Department considers
that providing the requested information would, or would be likely to, substantially prejudice
and present a significant risk to the security arrangements in place to protect the network as
well as information and data held by our Council.
• Disclosure of information relating to ICT security puts the Council at risk of a malicious
hacking attack. This would compromise the Council's ability to provide its services and carry
out 'business-as-usual' should our systems be compromised. Were our systems to be
compromise, the cost of a system recovery would be detrimental to the Council's commercial
• There is an overwhelming public interest in keeping the Council's computer systems secure
which would be served by non-disclosure.
Whilst the Council strongly believes in the principle of open and accountable local government, the
public interest in maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
This concludes your request FOI/EIR 21/22-294
If information has been refused please treat this as a Refusal Notice for the purposes of the Act.
If you disagree with our decision or are otherwise unhappy with how we have dealt with your request in
the first instance you may approach xxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx and request a review. A request for review
must be made in no more than 40 working days from the date of this email.
Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome you have a right under s50 of the Freedom of
Information Act to appeal against the decision by contacting the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AF.