Information request regarding energy details for council buildings

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Carmarthenshire County Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Danny Stansfield

Dear Carmarthenshire Council,

I'd be grateful if you can provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1. A list of business/commercial premises owned or leased to the council. Please include;
Full address inc. Postcode
Gas supply details (MPRN)
Gas usage, kwh per year
Gas rates paid
Electric supply details (MPAN)
Electric usage, kwh per year
Electric rates paid
Current Suppliers
Contract end dates

2. Name, position and email address of the staff responsible for the arrangements of energy contracts/purchasing, together with the telephone number for the department (direct dial not expected given GDPR.)

I trust all is in order and thank you in advance for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Danny Stansfield

FOIA, Carmarthenshire County Council

Diolch am eich gohebiaeth.

Os ydych yn gwneud cais am wybodaeth, bydd y cyfnodau isod yn berthnasol:

Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000 (DRhG) a’r Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth
Amgylcheddol 2004 (RhGA) - 20 diwrnod gwaith, oni bai bod angen eglurhad
arnom ynghylch y wybodaeth yr ydych yn gofyn amdano. 

O ganlyniad i’r sefyllfa bresennol gyda'r firws COVID-19 a'r effaith ar
rai o wasanaethau'r Cyngor, gall fod angen i flaenoriaethu ceisiadau DRhG
a RhGA, yn dibynnu ar y wybodaeth y gofynnir amdani. Ymddiheurwn am hyn.

Deddf Diogelu Data 2018 a’r GDPR (ceisiadau am ddata personol) – un mis ar
ôl derbyn y cais.

Os bydd angen eglurhad arnom ar unrhyw agwedd o’ch cais, byddwn yn
cysylltu â chi mor gynted ag y bo modd.



Tîm Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin


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