Information request - Committee Meeting Minutes at NHS Grampian

The request was successful.

Dear Grampian Health Board,

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the latest Meeting Minutes of your 5 different committees.

Could you please provide the latest meeting minutes for;
1) Grampian Area Drug and Therapeutics Committee,
2) Grampian Medicines Management Group,
3) Area Pharmaceutical Committee,
4) Medicine Guidelines and Policies Group,
5) Medicines Safety Group at NHS Grampian?

If you have any further questions regarding my request, please let me know!

Yours faithfully,

Pero Mandiloski

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board


Dear Pero Mandiloski,


Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002


Thank you for your email dated 28 July 2022, requesting information
regarding meeting minutes. We have recorded this request and are currently
processing it in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act


A response to your request for information is due by 25 August 2022.
Please allow for delivery time.


We will contact you again in due course.


Best wishes,




Susie Nattrass

Information Governance Officer

Information Governance Team


NHS Grampian

Rosehill House

Cornhill Road


AB25 2ZG


Phone: 01224 551549

[1][NHS Grampian request email]






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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

4 Attachments

Dear Pero Mandiloski


Please find attached response to your request.


Please note there is one more document to come which I am having technical
problems with and will send to you as soon as rectified.






Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

NHS Grampian

Rosehill House


AB25 2ZG


Email: [email address]




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it by mistake,
please (i) contact the sender by email reply; (ii) delete the email from
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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

1 Attachment

Dear Pero Mandiloski


Please find attached the remaining document as promised and apologies for
the technical issue and delay.






Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

NHS Grampian

Rosehill House


AB25 2ZG


Email: [email address]


From: GRAM Foi <[NHS Grampian request email]>
Sent: 25 August 2022 16:53
To: '[FOI #882700 email]'
<[FOI #882700 email]>
Cc: GRAM Foi <[NHS Grampian request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information Response FOI/2022/502


Dear Pero Mandiloski


Please find attached response to your request.


Please note there is one more document to come which I am having technical
problems with and will send to you as soon as rectified.






Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

NHS Grampian

Rosehill House


AB25 2ZG


Email: [1][email address]




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it by mistake,
please (i) contact the sender by email reply; (ii) delete the email from
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1. mailto:[email address]