Information regarding training and competence of personnel involved in the disposal of the WW2 ordinance device found in Keyham, Plymouth.
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Please provide details of relevant training, qualifications and experience held by the personnel involved with the removal and disposal of the unexploded WW2 bomb that was recently discovered in Plymouth.
Specifically, please provide details for;
1. The person(s) responsible for planning the first lifting operation to remove the device from its original location onto the transport unit.
2. The operator of the lifting equipment (telehandler) and any slingers, supervisors or other personnel making up the lifting team.
3. The driver of the transport unit which took the device by road to the next location.
4. The person(s) responsible for planning the lifting operation to transfer the item from the transport unit to the flotation device used to transport the item by sea to its final location.
5. The operator of the lifting equipment (wheeled excavator) and any other personnel making up the lifting team for the second lift.
Yours faithfully,
Sam Hay
Dear Sam Hay,
Please see attached a letter in response to your recent Freedom of
Information request to the Ministry of Defence.
Best regards,
Army Secretariat
Army Policy and Secretariat
Army Headquarters | IDL 24 | Blenheim Building | Marlborough Lines |
Andover | SP11 8HJ
Please direct all official mail to our group mailbox:
[1][email address]
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Ministry of Defence,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Ministry of Defence's handling of my FOI request 'Information regarding training and competence of personnel involved in the disposal of the WW2 ordinance device found in Keyham, Plymouth.'.
I believe the request has been declined/information withheld as a result of a misunderstanding regarding what was being requested. I am not requesting any personally identifiable information regarding the training and competence of the relevant personnel, but simply a summary for the key personnel involved.
For example:
Lift planner (situ to lorry):
[Relevant qualification] held since [year] with [accrediting body].
[Number of years] experience with lifting operations in the capacity of [roles held in respect of lifting operations].
Lorry driver:
[Licence categories held] qualified since [year]. [Relevant qualification] held since [year] with regards to the transportation of hazardous goods.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Sam Hay
Dear Mr Hay,
Receipt is acknowledged of your email of 25 March 2024 requesting an
internal review of a response provided by Army & Policy Secretariat, on
behalf of the Ministry of Defence, under the Freedom of Information Act,
dated 20 March 2024 (our reference: FOI2024/03403).
The Department's target for completing internal reviews is 20 working days
from date of receipt and we therefore aim to complete the review and
respond to you by 24 April 2024. While we are working hard to achieve
this, in the interests of providing you with a realistic indication of
when you should expect a response, the majority are currently taking
between 20 and 40 working days to complete.
The review will involve an independent assessment of the handling of this
request and the outcome.
Yours sincerely,
MOD Information Rights Compliance Team
Dear Sam Hay,
Please see attached our response to your internal review request. I
apologise for the delay in issuing this to you.
Yours sincerely
MOD Information Rights Team
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