Requests similar to 'Information regarding student placements'

Information regarding student placements
Request sent to Shetland College by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Placement information
Request sent to Inverness College by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Information regarding student placements
Request sent to Moray College by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Information regarding student placements
Request sent to North Highland College by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Information regarding student placements
Request sent to UHI Orkney by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Dear Orkney College, Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their cours...
Information regarding student placements
Request sent to Argyll College UHI by S A Smith on .


Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Placement information
Request sent to Lews Castle College by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Information regarding student placements
Request sent to Perth College UHI by S A Smith on .

Partially successful

Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Information regarding student placements
Request sent to West Highland College by S A Smith on .


Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life...
Dear S A Smith, Apologies for this oversight. Please find attached the handbooks as requested. Kind regards Christine Christine Shaw Corporate Gover...
Dear S A Moore,   Re: Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Request for Information   I refer to your request for information received o...
Dear S A Moore, Re: Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Request for Information I refer to your request for information received on the 28 D...
Dear Sir/Madam, In response to your request for information, received on 7^th July 2011, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has provided the f...
Part 17   Callum Morrison Information Management & Governance Officer |Oifigear Rianachd Fiosrachaidh & Riaghlachas Scottish Funding Council| C...
Application Statistics
Response by University of the Highlands and Islands to James Carter on .


 Dear Mr carter,   I am re-sending the response of UHI to your request in respect of application statistic,as I forgot to attach the excel spreadshe...
Dear Phillip,   Freedom of Information Act 2000   Information Request   Thank you for your request for information from South Gloucestershire and...
Student Policy Documents (additional)
Response by University of the West of Scotland to Iain Boyd on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Iain Boyd Please find attached the response from University of the West of Scotland to your recent FOI request. Kind regards Freedom of Informat...
Dear Milo Apologies for the further delay to my response. Due to an oversight on my part certain documents were missed from my earlier reply, namely f...
Dear Iain Boyd Please find attached the response from University of the West of Scotland to your recent FOI request. Kind regards Freedom of Informat...
Annual Monitoring Form For All COSCA Validated Courses
Response by Moray College to S A Moore on .


Dear S A Moore I refer to your request for information which we received on 1st February 2021. Please now find attached our response in electronic fo...
Enrolment/Application statistics by nationality
Response by University of Essex to Alexandra Tieghi on .

Partially successful

Dear Alexandra   Following your recent enquiry regarding student salaries and fees here at the University of Essex, please find our response below...
College of North West London Self-Assessment Report Academi...
Dear S A Moore, Re: Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 – Request for Information I refer to your request for information received on the 4th...
Top 10 most popular library books since 2016
Response by Liverpool City Council to Claire Wilde on .

Partially successful

  Dear Claire Wilde   Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.   Thank you for your request for information received on 29 November...
FOIA request

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon Rachel Billing   Further to the below please see the ICB’s response attached.   Kind regards Philip Humphreys On behalf of N...