Information regarding student placements
Dear Argyll College UHI,
Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life Studies subject network on one or more of the following courses:
1. BSc (Hons.) Integrative Healthcare
2. BSc Oral Health Science
3. Diploma Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy
4. HNC Childhood Practice
5. HNC Social Services
6. HNC Care and Administrative Practice
The UHI Student Placement Policy & Guidance document states:
"4.3 APs are required to keep a record of all placement activities. This should include the following:
1. The subject network/programme associated with the placement activity;
2. A list of the names and student numbers of students undertaking placement activity;
3. The nature of the placement i.e. duration, location, type of activity, assessed or not assessed;
4. Contact details of placement providers; and
5. Copies of formal documentation, at a minimum this must include a copy of risk assessment documentation and signed tri-partite learning agreement, but may also (dependent on circumstances) include, statements of reasonable adjustments, letters of expectation, copies of insurance documentation and students consent to disability disclosure."
Please could you provide me with the information listed above for the courses noted at your AP. I do not wish to see personal information pertaining to disability and please redact the students' names/numbers.
I do not require contact details for the placements, just their name and location, type of business/organisation, type of placement activity taking place, assessed or not assessed.
Please also provide the name of the course that the placement forms part of, the duration of the placement and the role of the person responsible for the student at the placement location.
Please could you let me know if there is a named individual/s specifically responsible for placement students within your AP and if not who would normally be responsible for placement students on the individual courses/their role.
Yours faithfully,
S A Smith
Dear Argyll College UHI,
Please could you give me the information for the current academic year and the previous 5 academic years? Sorry I should have made this clear in my original email.
Yours faithfully,
S A Smith
Dear Argyll College UHI,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Argyll College UHI's handling of my FOI request 'Information regarding student placements'.
I have not received any response to my original request. By law you should have responded promptly and within 20 days.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
S A Smith
Dear S A Smith, Argyll College did not receive your FOI request made via
What do they know. The email address for FOI requests from Argyll College
is shown on our website [1]
If you could submit your FOI request via the correct email address the
college will reply within 20 days.
Kind regards, Elaine
Dear Elaine Munro,
Argyll College has clearly received my request via What Do They Know, otherwise you would not be responding on this platform.
The email address it was sent to is the principle email address for enquiries to the college, which is unlikely to change, unlike personal email addresses. It should have been forwarded on to the person responsible for FOI requests, which indeed seems to be the case.
FOI requests can be made to anyone in a public authority. They do not have to be made to a specific address to be legal.
Please review your decision not to provide me with information.
Yours sincerely,
S A Smith
Dear Elaine Munro,
I am writing again as WhatDoTheyKnow have updated the email address for FOI requests from Argyll College to the address you provided.
I have been advised that my original request on the 3 June to Argyll College was a valid request for information. It can be seen here:
I have included it at the bottom of this email too.
I look forward to receiving your response as soon as possible as it is already significantly delayed.
Yours sincerely,
S A Smith
Following a recent FOI request to UHI, I have identified that you have students that carry out placements as part of their courses in the Applied Life Studies subject network on one or more of the following courses:
1. BSc (Hons.) Integrative Healthcare
2. BSc Oral Health Science
3. Diploma Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy
4. HNC Childhood Practice
5. HNC Social Services
6. HNC Care and Administrative Practice
The UHI Student Placement Policy & Guidance document states:
"4.3 APs are required to keep a record of all placement activities. This should include the following:
1. The subject network/programme associated with the placement activity;
2. A list of the names and student numbers of students undertaking placement activity;
3. The nature of the placement i.e. duration, location, type of activity, assessed or not assessed;
4. Contact details of placement providers; and
5. Copies of formal documentation, at a minimum this must include a copy of risk assessment documentation and signed tri-partite learning agreement, but may also (dependent on circumstances) include, statements of reasonable adjustments, letters of expectation, copies of insurance documentation and students consent to disability disclosure."
Please could you provide me with the information listed above for the courses noted at your AP. I do not wish to see personal information pertaining to disability and please redact the students' names/numbers.
I do not require contact details for the placements, just their name and location, type of business/organisation, type of placement activity taking place, assessed or not assessed.
Please also provide the name of the course that the placement forms part of, the duration of the placement and the role of the person responsible for the student at the placement location.
Please could you let me know if there is a named individual/s specifically responsible for placement students within your AP and if not who would normally be responsible for placement students on the individual courses/their role.
Please could you give me the information for the current academic year and the previous 5 academic years?
Dear S A Smith, I confirm receipt of your FOI request and confirm that I will reply within 20 days.
Kind regards, Elaine
Dear Elaine Munro/Argyll College UHI,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of your/Argyll College UHI's handling of my FOI request 'Information regarding student placements'.
I have not received any response to my original request. By law you should have responded promptly and within 20 days.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours sincerely,
S A Smith
S A Smith left an annotation ()
"The Commissioner finds that Argyll College (the College) failed to comply with Part 1 of the
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2020 (FOISA) in dealing with the information request made
by the Applicant. In particular, the College failed to respond to the Applicant’s request for
information and requirement for review within the timescales laid down by sections 10(1) and 21(1)
The Commissioner requires the College to respond to the Applicant’s request for review, by
Tuesday 29 December 2020."
Dear S A Smith, I apologise profusely for the delays in replying to your FOI request. My only defence is increased workload and emails due to the covid crisis.
I appreciate this is now months late but please find attached the following in reply to your original FOI. This information is for HNC Childhood Practice, within the UHI Applied Life Studies Subject Network, which is the only course on your list that Argyll College delivers.
- List of placement providers for HNC Childhood Practice for the academic years 2015-16 to 2019-20 including:
- The number of students enrolled on the course each year
- Placement provider name, address and type of business
- The duration of the placement
- The job title of the member of Argyll College staff responsible for placements
- The type of activity undertaken during placement and whether the activity was assessed or not assessed
- HNC Childhood Practice course handbook for 2019-20 which includes an example of the tri-partite agreement.
- HNC Childhood Practice student placement pack 2019-20
- Template documents for the three work placement reports that are completed throughout the students work placement.
Many apologies again.
Yours sincerely
Elaine Munro
Depute Principal
Argyll College UHI
Glenshellach Business Park
Oban, Argyll PA34 4RY
Tel: 01631 559505 / 07765232772
Email: [Argyll College UHI request email]
Dear Mrs Smith,
I wanted to apologise on behalf of the College for the delay in getting
the information you requested. We are a small organisation and the FOI
role was being undertaken by a senior manager who has also been dealing
with the pressures of ensuring continuity of our educational activities
during the pandemic. Following a review, it appears that your request was
overlooked in a very busy inbox. We have now moved responsibility for
monitoring and complying with FOI requests to an admin support role where
we are confident that the same circumstances will not re-occur.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Jones
Martin Jones
Principal and Chief Executive
Argyll College, West Bay, Dunoon, Argyll, PA23 7HP
[1][email address]
[3]Find us on Facebook
An academic partner of the University of the Highlands & Islands.
Argyll College UHI Ltd is a Scottish Charity, SC 026685
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1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Elaine Munro,
Thank you for the information you have provided.
You stated that the HNC Childhood Practice course handbook for 2019-20 provided includes an example of the tri-partite agreement. However I cannot see it in that document (nor any of the other documents). Apologies if I have overlooked this; if so please could you provide me with a page number? Otherwise please could you let me have a copy of the tri-partite agreement?
Yours sincerely,
S A Smith
Dear S A Smith, please find attached a copy of the tri-partite agreement relating to HNC Childhood Practice.
Yours sincerely
Elaine Munro
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