Information re: Drag Queen Story Hour

The request was partially successful.

Dear Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please can you send me the following:

All recorded information on communication between Sab Samuel (stage name Aida H Dee of Drag Queen Story Hour) and Bolton libraries, including Sab Samuel's initial approach and business proposal to the library concerned.

Also all assessments carried out regarding the event, such as child safeguarding and risk assessments as well as equality impact assessments.

Information on the number and nature of complaints made in relation to this event and information on any investigations/actions made by the relevant persons into the issues raised by these complaints.

Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

G Morgan

Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

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Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Important:- During this pandemic you may experience understandable delays
when making information requests. Please bear with us during this period.


Dear G Morgan,

We acknowledge with thanks your request for information held by Bolton
Council received at this office on 10/06/2022.

This request will be considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
/ Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004 as appropriate to your

This may take up to 20 working days to be processed (although we will
endeavour to provide the information as quickly as possible).

Please be advised that if an exemption applies to the information that you
have requested, the statutory period may be exceeded in accordance with
the provisions of the act.

Please retain the reference number RFI 010778 for any future enquiries
regarding this matter.

Many thanks

The Information Governance Team

1^st Floor, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU



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Freedom Of Info, Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear G Morgan

Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
In response to your request for information received at this office on 10
June 2022, please see the Council’s response below.

You requested
Please can you send me the following:

All recorded information on communication between Sab Samuel (stage name
Aida H Dee of Drag Queen Story Hour) and Bolton libraries, including Sab
Samuel's initial approach and business proposal to the library concerned.

We can confirm Bolton Library approached Sab Samuel to perform at an event
in June 2022. Unfortunately, he was unavailable but offered Bolton
Libraries the opportunity to be part of the Drag Queen Storytime UK
Library Tour. We agreed to receive further information.


After consideration the event was agreed. As with all external providers,
there was further communication between Bolton Library and the organiser
to organise the event such as receiving confirmations of DBS, Public
Liability Insurance and marketing materials.


Bolton Council has considered your request and feels that the information
you request is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (“the Act”). Section 17 of the Act provides that when refusing a
request, Bolton Council must provide a notice which (a) states that fact,
(b) specifies the exemption in question, and (c) states (if that would not
otherwise be apparent) why the exemption applies.


In this case we consider that the exemption under section 41 of the Act

Section 41 provides an exemption to information provided in confidence and

Information is exempt information if –


a.    it was obtained by the public authority from any other person
(including another public authority), and

b.    the disclosure of the information to the public (otherwise than
under this Act) by the public authority holding it would constitute a
breach of confidence actionable by that or any other person.


Section 41(1)(a) requires that the information in question was obtained
from any other person. The information in question has been obtained by us
from a third party, so this part of the exemption is therefore satisfied.


Section 41(1)(b) requires the disclosure by us to constitute an actionable
breach of confidence. The information must have the necessary quality of
confidence, and in our opinion it does.  The council are satisfied that
the requested information is not trivial, nor is it available by any other
means and by disclosing information about any business proposals we are
breaching the confidence of Seb Samuel in dealing with the Council
confidentially and entrusting us with information which could be used by
someone who may want to replicate these services. 

Release of information under the Act cannot be viewed in the context of a
limited disclosure to the applicant, it should be considered as an
applicant blind release into the public domain.  We therefore consider
Section 41 is justifiable and therefore please accept this response as a
refusal for this part of your request.


Also all assessments carried out regarding the event, such as child
safeguarding and risk assessments as well as equality impact assessments.

In accordance with Section 1 (1) of the Act the Authority has a duty to
confirm whether it holds the information of the description specified in
the request and if that is the case, to have the information communicated
to the requester.


Bolton Council does not hold this information.  Risk Assessment for the
events are finalised nearer the event.  We have a risk assessment for any
library event working with the public, which will be adapted for this
event. Bolton Council’s also has a safeguarding policy which Bolton
Libraries work to and a DBS and public liability insurance was provided by
the external storyteller.

Information on the number and nature of complaints made in relation to
this event and information on any investigations/actions made by the
relevant persons into the issues raised by these complaints.

No complaints have been made in relation to this event and so no
investigations have been made.

As per the Information Commissioners Office’s Freedom of Information Code
of Practice, should you disagree with our decision, you may appeal within
40 working days of this email to:
The Borough Solicitor, Bolton Council, Town Hall, Bolton, BL1 1RU
Email:   [email address]

Should you further disagree with the decision following the appeal you may
wish to contact the Information Commissioner:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625 545700, Fax: 01625 524510

Should you have any queries, please contact  [email address]

Yours sincerely

Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Team

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