Information & Organisation Charts

The request was successful.

Dear Welsh Government/Llywodraeth Cymru,

Please can you provide:

1. Organisational charts for:

Human Resources
Estates & Facilities

2. The names of the above persons who hold that position, along with email addresses and direct telephone number.

Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

Julia Donnelly


1 Attachment

Dear Ms Donnelly

Further to your recent request for information, please find attached an
acknowledgement letter sent on behalf of Paul McDonagh - People, Places
and Corporate Services

Stephen Downs
Business Information Manager / Rheolwr Gwybodaeth Busnes
Central Services Operations Team / Tîm Gweithrediadau’r Gwasanaethau
Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru

Phone / Ffôn : 02920 826901
E-mail / E-bost: [email address]

i iShare user / defnyddiwr iShare

<<ATISN 6379 - acknowledgement.doc>>

On leaving the Government Secure Intranet this email was certified virus
free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored
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Wrth adael Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn
gysylltiedig â’r neges hon. Mae’n ddigon posibl y bydd unrhyw ohebiaeth
drwy’r GSi yn cael ei logio, ei monitro a/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am
resymau cyfreithiol.


Dear Ms Donnelly

With regard to your recent request for information (hopefully you have
received our acknowledgement dated 16th August). I wondered if you could
contact me on the number below to discuss the information we are currently
trying to gather for you (alternatively reply to this Email with your
contact details and I will ring you).

In terms of your request, we want to provide you with information that
will be meaningful to you (and make sense).

I am looking to seek your agreement that we provide you with Senior Civil
Service officials, that are responsible for HR and Estates&Facilities, and
one level below (to provide Heads Of Branches) .

If we were to drill down further, the organisation charts could,
potentially, become confusing to you (as it would branch out into
departments within the Welsh Government - in terms of officials within
those departments who would have HR or Estate functionality.

Regardless of this, any information we provide, below Heads of Branches,
in all likelihood would have redacted information (it is unlikely that we
will provide names and contact details of junior staff, and we will
provide exemption arguments referring to section 40 of the FoI act).

Many thanks

Stephen Downs
Business Information Manager / Rheolwr Gwybodaeth Busnes
Central Services Operations Team / Tîm Gweithrediadau’r Gwasanaethau
Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru

Phone / Ffôn : 02920 826901
E-mail / E-bost: [email address]

i iShare user / defnyddiwr iShare

show quoted sections


1 Attachment

Dear Ms Donnelly,

Please see the attached disclosure letter sent in respect of your recent
request for information about organisational charts.

Best wishes,

Anne Pound
<<ATISN 6379 - disclosure.doc>>

Anne Pound

Rheolwr Gwybodaeth Busnes
Business Information Manager
Tîm Gweithrediadau'r Gwasanaethau Canolog
Central Services Operations Team
Llywodraeth  Cymru
Welsh  Government
Ffon  -Tel: (029) 20825487
e-bost-e-mail:[email address]
Defnyddiwr iShare/ iShare User

On leaving the Government Secure Intranet this email was certified virus
free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored
and/or recorded for legal purposes.
Wrth adael Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn
gysylltiedig â’r neges hon. Mae’n ddigon posibl y bydd unrhyw ohebiaeth
drwy’r GSi yn cael ei logio, ei monitro a/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am
resymau cyfreithiol.