Requests similar to 'Information on what MIS provider was used to return Independent Census Spring 2019'

Dear Joshua Thank you for your email dated 11 November about the school census. You wrote: “I would like to see a breakdown of which Software is u...
Thank you for your email dated 29 October about the school census. You wrote: ‘Please could you provide data on MIS suppliers from the January 22 ce...
Dear Rachel Moffat Thank you for your request dated 12 April about the school census. You wrote: “Dear Department for Education, I would like to...
Selective school information
Response by Department for Education to Joanne Bartley on .

Partially successful

Dear Joanne,   Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request and the requested data. If you have any questions, please ge...
Pupil data: Young carer indicator introduction
Response by Department for Education to Jen Persson on .

Partially successful

I refer to your request for information, which was received on 19 December 2022. You requested: “Dear Department for Education, Please can you prov...
Software used to return SLASC
Response by Department for Education to Dave Kelly on .


Dear Mr Kelly, RE: Freedom of Information request - Software used to return SLASC  Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 2...
Our Reference: FOI00824/Hosking/QE1 Dear Mr Hosking [email address] You have asked for a list of all individuals and organisations consulted by the...
Pupil data: Children not in education
Response by Cornwall Council to Defend Digital Me on .


Information Classification: CONTROLLED Dear Jen,   Your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000/ Environmental Information Regulations...
Educational Concerns
Response by Wolverhampton City Council to J Carter on .

Partially successful

Dear J Carter FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST Thank you for your request for information about ‘elective home education’.  Your request was receive...
BSF ICT Output Specification
Response by Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council to Mr Prince on .

Partially successful

Link: [1]File-List Dear Mr Prince Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 In response to your request for informati...
*** Before reading or acting on this e-mail, or opening any attachment, please read Derby City Council's disclaimer and confidentiality statement at th...
Dear Mr Jenkins Re Freedom of Information Act 2000 Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 12th June. We have completed th...
Dear Mr Simpson, I am writing in response to your request for information dated 16 January. I have attached the information we hold on the number of...
Dear Ms Smith Further to your request for information to the PCT on the diagnosis of Children and Adults with ASD's, pursuant to the Freedom of Inform...
Educational Concerns
Response by Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council to J Carter on .

Partially successful

Dear J Carter   Please find attached letter and information in response to your recent Freedom of Information request.    Kind Regards   J...
  Regarding your request for information  under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:  Ref:  foi/248/13   “Request for Organisational structure a...
Free Schools
Response by Department for Education to Ms Taylor on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Taylor, Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 4 September 2013. You requested: 1.   For these 174 schools (presuma...
What do they know   My Ref: CC53473 Mr Taylor Dent-robson   Your Ref:           Date: 07/05/2019     Dear Mr Dent-robson Subject: Freedom of In...
Proposed Sale of Pontarddulais Primary School Fields
Response by Swansea Council to Rachel Rowlands on .

Partially successful

Dear Rachel Rowlands Please find attached our response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Should you have any queries please feel free...
Reports of the Vice-chancellor to Council
Response by Aberystwyth University to Ganesh Sittampalam on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Sittampalam,   I am writing in response to your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘the Act’).  ...
Dear K Magee, I am writing to inform you that the department has now completed its internal appeal process following your complaint of 8 July 2021....
Dear Ms Pritchard,   FOI Request for Information - Our Ref: RFI-6578-23   Please accept my sincerest apologies for the delay you have experienc...
Thank you for your email dated 23 May about the school census. You wrote: "In response to a request dated 25 February 2016 and titled "School MIS Stati...
Dear Department for Education, I would like to see a breakdown of which Software is used by schools to return the school census to the department (i....
Dear Department of Education, I would like to see a breakdown of which software is used by schools to return the school census to the department (i....