Information on the performance of DHL as a supplier to the NHS

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

A few years ago DHL were given a contract to supply the NHS with equipment and consumables in order to save the NHS millions/billions of pounds over a 10 year period.

How far are we through this period and how much has DHL saved the NHS to date and how is that measured. What KPIs are used to evaluate the information

Yours faithfully,

Wendy McNicoll

Department of Health and Social Care

Thank you for your email.

Where a reply is appropriate we aim to send one within 20 working days.

If your enquiry is about a medical matter, please contact NHS Direct on
0845 4647 or visit [1]NHS Choices, or contact your GP surgery.

For the latest on swine flu, please visit [2]the National Pandemic Flu
Service (NPFS) or call 0800 1 513 100.

For general health information you may also find it helpful to refer to
[3]Directgov, the UK Government's Official information website, or the
Department of Health website's [4]Frequently Asked Questions.

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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am still waiting for a reply. I realise that 23rd October is the "deadline"... but I was hoping for a more prompt response. Is there any news on my request? Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

Wendy McNicoll

Department of Health and Social Care

Dear Ms Nicholl

Thankyou for your email dated 12th October concerning your request under
the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Your original first instance enquiry dated 28th September is currently with
the relevant Policy lead and is due for answer on 26th October, in line
with the provisions of the FOIA. Please note an Internal Review process
will only be applicable if you are unhappy with the response & any
information we issue at that point.

I hope this clarifies the position for you.

Yours sincerely

Tony Doole

Senior Casework Manager - Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information Team

Ministerial Business & Parliamentary Accountability

Direct Line: 020 7210 5028

GTN Tel: 7210 5028

Email: [email address]

Address: Department of Health | Room 317 Richmond House | 79 Whitehall |
London SW1A 2NS

Wendy McNicoll
eb69dbe8@whatdo To> FreedomofInformation/OIS/DOH@DOH
22:28 Subject
Internal review of Freedom of
Information request - Information on
the performance of DHL as a supplier
to the NHS

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am still waiting for a reply. I realise that 23rd October is the
"deadline"... but I was hoping for a more prompt response. Is there
any news on my request? Many thanks

Yours faithfully,

Wendy McNicoll

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Department of Health and Social Care

1 Attachment

Email Content stored in attached file 'Long_Email_Body_23_10_2009.html'.

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Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you very much for your response. Your ref: DE00000447192 23 October 2009

I am happy with the information that you have supplied in your email but the link to which you directed me (which should hold the KPIs) is not obtainable/available. I cannot open the link. (I have copied your comments below). The website it takes me to indicates that that particular piece of information has probably been removed. In which case, would you please forward me the information?

Many thanks

The Key Performance Indicators for this agreement were provided in a previous FOI response and are available on the Department's website at:

Yours faithfully,

Wendy McNicoll

Department of Health and Social Care

Thank you for your email.

Where a reply is appropriate we aim to send one within 20 working days.

If your enquiry is about a medical matter, please contact NHS Direct on
0845 4647 or visit [1]NHS Choices, or contact your GP surgery.

For the latest on swine flu, please visit [2]the National Pandemic Flu
Service (NPFS) or call 0800 1 513 100.

For general health information you may also find it helpful to refer to
[3]Directgov, the UK Government's Official information website, or the
Department of Health website's [4]Frequently Asked Questions.

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Department of Health and Social Care

3 Attachments

Email Content stored in attached file 'Long_Email_Body_26_10_2009.html'.

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