Information on Stephen Jeremy Krikler, GMC 2648556

Waiting for an internal review by Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service of their handling of this request.

Dear Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service,

I will want to ask whether Stephen Jeremy Krikler, GMC 2648556 was the subject of Fitness to Practice proceedings. I will also want complete disclosure of the said proceedings. I will also want to ask why [potentially defamatory material removed]

Yours faithfully,



Dear h2q

Thank you for your email. I have forwarded it to our FOI team.

Kind regards

Ian Sexton
Corporate Affairs Officer
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS)
7th Floor, St James's Buildings
79 Oxford Street
M1 6FQ
Contact: 0161 240 7124 / [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Enquiries,

You are outside the statutory limit in replying to my query about Stephen Krikler, GMC 2648556

Yours sincerely,


Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth

Your e-mail of today's date has been passed to me.

I did reply to your query; my reply was sent yesterday.

Please let me know if you would like me to send my response again.

Kind regards

Mark Ellen
Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester  M3 3AW
Direct Line: 0161 923 6347

show quoted sections

Dear Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347),

I find it strange that you have intercepted my communication with the MPTS. As far as I am aware you can only answer on behalf of your own organization (GMC) of which the MPTS is supposedly independent.
I understand that MPTS makes frequent changes to its publication policy. In your misleading reply on behalf of the GMC to which I am about to respond you wrote:

'Dr Krikler has not been the subject of any publicly available [sic] MPT hearings. Information about Medical Practitioners Tribunals (MPT) can befound here:'

I knew that already. I am asking therefore from the MPTS what happened to [potentially defamatory material removed]? May I ask you to cease & desist until such time as I elicit a reply?

Yours sincerely,


Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth


I haven’t ‘intercepted’ your communication with MPTS. Rather, the GMC is
the data controller for MPTS and we respond to FOI requests made to them.

Please see this link for more information about this:


In my e-mail, I set out your right of appeal against my use of the FOI
exemption. It is open to you to make such an appeal if you wish to do so.



Kind regards





Mark Ellen

Information Access Team

General Medical Council

3 Hardman Street

Manchester  M3 3AW

Direct Line: 0161 923 6347




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Dear Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347),

You claim to control the data of MPTS but the policy for publishing sanctions, restrictions & proceedings by the MPTS is different between the GMC & MPTS as given on your respective web-sites? I will also want to ask whether Stephen Krikler was sanctioned by MPTS or GMC & [potentially defamatory material removed]

Yours sincerely,


Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

I am out of the office until Tuesday 15 September 2020 and will have no
access to e-mails during this time. Please direct any enquiries to the
Information Access Team ([email address])



Mark Ellen

Working with doctors Working for patients

The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.

show quoted sections

Dear Mark Ellen,

Have you returned from your holiday?

Yours faithfully,


Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth

The position regarding the information we can disclose is as set out in my e-mail of 8 September 2020. That e-mail also addresses your query about Stephen Krikler. There is nothing further I can ad to this; but you do have the appeal rights as I also set out to you.

Kind regards

Mark Ellen
Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester  M3 3AW
Direct Line: 0161 923 6347

show quoted sections

Dear H2Q

Thank you for your email.

I have forwarded it to Mark Ellen in the FOI team.

Kind regards

Ian Sexton
Corporate Affairs Officer
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS)
7th Floor, St James's Buildings
79 Oxford Street
M1 6FQ
Contact: 0161 240 7124 / [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Enquiries,
Mark Ellen appears to have done a runner. Are you able to explain why there is discrepancy between data disclosure policies of MPTS

& the GMC

On the one hand you claim that GMC controls the data for MPTS & on the other each institution has its own disclosure / publication policies in order to mislead the public & to conceal information relating [potentially defamatory material removed]. Are you running a circus here?
Are you please able to comment? Can you also [potentially defamatory material removed] ?

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mark Ellen,

I am sorry I missed your reply of 16 Sep in the thread above. I can also see you are desperate to internally review. However, I will once again ask you about discrepancy between the disclosure policies for GMC & MPTS are
when the data controller is the same? Is it because disclosure is made at whim or case by case basis?

Yours sincerely,


Dear H2Q,

Thank you for your email. I have spoken with Mark Ellen, in the FOI team, who will respond to your enquiry.

Kind regards

Ian Sexton
Corporate Affairs Officer
Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS)
7th Floor, St James's Buildings
79 Oxford Street
M1 6FQ
Contact: 0161 240 7124 / [email address]

show quoted sections

Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth

If I have correctly understood your concern, you believe that the documents you have linked in your email relate to two separate Publication and disclosure policies published by the MPTS and by the GMC. The document you link to in your first link is an information circular to tribunal members to inform them of changes being introduced to the GMC's Publication and disclosure policy. Those changes were introduced by the GMC on 26 February 2018. Our published policies are periodically updated, and the latest version of the GMC's Publication and disclosure policy was published on 7 September 2020. This is the document in your second link. It is an updated version of the policy introduced in February 2018 and referenced in the MPTS information circular contained in your first link.

The MPTS does publish information on its website about the publication of hearing decisions at this link:

You will see that this document states that information is published in line with the Publication and disclosure policy, which is linked in the Useful links section of the document. This links to the GMC's Publication and disclosure policy which is the same document contained in the second link you have provided.

I hope that this clarifies the situation, but if I have misunderstood the discrepancy you have referred to, then please could you provide further explanation of what that discrepancy is.

Kind regards

Mark Ellen
Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester  M3 3AW
Direct Line: 0161 923 6347

show quoted sections

Dear Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347),

You are still unclear about what time period is covered by the changed publication policies.

It appears that the changes have been introduced for political (& racial) convenience in 2018. Do they apply in retrospect? The publications do not say.
Yet how can any law apply in retrospect?
You also continue to dodge my query about Stephen Krikler's erasure.

Yours sincerely,


Dear Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347),

You continue to kill time. Have you gone on holiday again?

Yours sincerely,


Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

I am out of the office until Tuesday 6 October 2020 and will have no
access to e-mails during this time. Please direct any enquiries to the
Information Access Team ([email address])



Mark Ellen

Working with doctors Working for patients

The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.

show quoted sections

Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth

I have sent you the information we hold about our Disclosure Policy - there is nothing further to provide.

As regards the doctor that you asked about. The position is as set out in my original e-mail. That e-mail also provided details of how to appeal against my use of the FOI exemption.

Kind regards

Mark Ellen
Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester  M3 3AW
Direct Line: 0161 923 6347

show quoted sections

Dear Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347),

1. I asked you about Stephen Krikler’s FTP history but you refused the disclosure which should be in the public domain.

2. I asked you specifically about whether Stephen Krikler was erased from the medical register but you continue to evade the question.

3. You are quoting a post-dated disclosure policy to hide Stephen Krikler’s disciplinary proceedings that cannot apply in retrospect to hearings already concluded. This is instructive about your dishonesty & abuse of process.

4. Moreover you continue to mislead to the following exemption that you quoted in your other reply
‘Section 40(5B)(a)(i) of the FOIA applies where the information, if held,
would be the personal data of a third party and where confirming whether
it’s held would breach any of the principles relating to the processing of
personal data listed at Article 5 of the GDPR. I believe that to publicly
confirm or deny whether we hold the information would breach the first
principle, which requires that the processing of personal data is fair,
lawful and transparent. I do not believe that any of the legal bases for
processing listed at Article 6 of the GDPR are met and therefore giving
you the information would be unlawful.’

When the same may or may not apply. You want to go through the motions of reviewing your perverse decision by pretending that I am questioning the statutory exemption when I am not as yet. Please reply to the questions I have raised first.

Yours sincerely,


Yours sincerely,


Mark Ellen (0161 923 6347), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth

Thank you for this.

A colleague will respond to you in due course.

Kind regards

Mark Ellen
Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
Manchester  M3 3AW
Direct Line: 0161 923 6347

show quoted sections

FOI, Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth,


Thank you for your email dated 7 October.


We will be considering your email under our comments and complaints
procedure. This sets a target response time of 20 working days. We will
endeavour to respond to you within this timeframe.


Elizabeth Hiley will be handling your request. If you have any questions
you can contact her via email at [1][email address].


Yours sincerely


Lauren Barrowcliffe

Information Access Team Assistant


[2][email address]

General Medical Council

3 Hardman Street


M3 3AW



show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

Thanks for your reply. However, I note that you have removed the old disclosure policy dated Jun 2018 that was mentioned in Mark Ellen's link & replaced it with a new policy dated 7 Sep 20 whilst this FOI request was ongoing.

May I ask why you have done so & why the new policy not say that the it replaces the old version?

Am I correct to assume that it is a dishonest move on your part to justify your misfeasance? The old policy is being concealed in such a way that even archived versions are not available.
I will also ask you to provide links to the all earlier versions of the disclosure policy & will ask you once again how any new policy can apply in retrospect to rulings already made.

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.


Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic outbreak we are operating at
reduced capacity. It may therefore take us longer to respond to your
correspondence. We apologise for any inconvenience caused but we’ll get
back to you as soon as we can with a further acknowledgement.


In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website.


Thank you


Information access team

General Medical Council

Email: [email address]

Telephone: 0161 923 6365

Working with doctors Working for patients

The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.

show quoted sections

FOI, Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Thank you for getting in touch. Please note this is an automated email.

We’ll get back to you as soon as we can with a further acknowledgement.
You’ll usually hear from us on the next working day, but it might take a
little longer during busy periods.

In the meantime, if you want any further information about the GMC, please
visit our website.

Thank you

Information Access team

General Medical Council

Email: [email address]

Working with doctors Working for patients

The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.

show quoted sections

Dear Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service,

You claim to operate at a reduced capacity. I note however, that does not prevent you from passing off new & ‘improved’ versions as original ones, from concealing older versions or gas-lighting the public generally.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear Mr Nazareth,


Your information request – IR1-2826723821

Thank you for your email, We’ll look into your request and get back to you
as soon as we can.


Louise Gormley will be handling your request. If you have any questions
you can contact her via email at [1][email address].


Yours sincerely


Lauren Barrowcliffe

Information Access Team Assistant


[2][email address]

General Medical Council

3 Hardman Street


M3 3AW


show quoted sections

Louise Gormley (0161 923 6311), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Our reference: IR1-2826723821

Dear C Nazareth

In accordance with Section 8(1)(b) of the FOIA we require your full name
in order to progress with your request.

The ICO’s guidance on Section 8 states that:

‘For a request to be valid, the requester must provide enough of their
real name to give anyone reading that request a reasonable indication of
their identity. 

This means that if the staff processing the request cannot identify
the requester from the name provided, that request will be invalid.’

We have reason to believe that ‘C Nazareth’ is not your real name and
therefore unless you can prove otherwise your request will be regarded as
invalid and we will not respond to you further on this.


You do have a further right of complaint about our response to the ICO.
Their contact details are as follows:


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Tel. no: 0330 414 6649 

Email: [1][email address]


Kind regards




Louise Gormley

Information Access Officer
Resources Directorate
Direct Line: 0161 923 6311
Email:        [2][email address]
Website:    [3]
Address:    Information Access Team
                 General Medical Council
                 3 Hardman Street


                 M3 3AW






Working with doctors Working for patients

The General Medical Council helps to protect patients and improve medical
education and practice in the UK by setting standards for students and
doctors. We support them in achieving (and exceeding) those standards, and
take action when they are not met.

show quoted sections

Dear Louise Gormley (0161 923 6311),

I am taken aback by your claim

"We have reason to believe that ‘C Nazareth’ is not your real name"

I reserve the right to bring proceedings under the defamation act against you for saying that.

Please provide the reason for your belief & also acknowledge that all your dodgy replies are intended to conceal Stephen Krikler's [potentially defamatory material removed]

Yours sincerely,


Louise Gormley (0161 923 6311), Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Dear C Nazareth

We will not be communicating further on this.

As outlined in my previous response, you have a further right of complaint about our response to the ICO. Their contact details are as follows:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Tel. no: 0330 414 6649
Email: [email address]

Kind regards


Louise Gormley
Information Access Officer
Resources Directorate

Direct Line: 0161 923 6311
Email: [email address]
Address: Information Access Team
General Medical Council
3 Hardman Street
M3 3AW

show quoted sections

Dear Louise Gormley (0161 923 6311),

Stephen Krikler's erasure is ( & should be) public knowledge. Every one knows your serial lies in this request. Earlier Mark Ellen tried to claim an exemption under GDPR although the Stephen Krikler's FTP hearing do not constitute personal data in any sense. When that failed you cast aspersions about my identity. Whilst the General Medical Council & MPTS are known to treat people according to their names., can you please elaborate on my your defamatory claims why you think my name is different (which is why I ought to be treated differently too) ? I will be grateful,

Yours sincerely,


Dear Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service's handling of my FOI request 'Information on Stephen Jeremy Krikler, GMC 2648556'.

need a complete account of complaints, restrictions, sanctions & [potentially defamatory material removed] Stephen Krikler.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,
