Information on school meals point of sale system (secondary schools)

The request was partially successful.

Dear E-Act Royton and Crompton Academy, Oldham,

I am writing to request some information on your school, as well as information on use of the point of sale system under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

I have a spreadsheet template that I would very much appreciate if you could copy in to a spreadsheet and use. It has columns for the percentage of registered student accounts making at least three purchases a week month-by-month, amongst other data.

I would be very grateful if this data could be extracted from your canteen till/point of sale (POS) system and presented in this format and returned as an attached Excel spreadsheet.

The template is here:

If data is unavailable for a school year/month, please use the nearest possible alternative and change the date headings in the template to reflect this.

Yours faithfully,

Jack Fifield

FOI, E-Act Royton and Crompton Academy, Oldham

1 Attachment

Good afternoon


I confirm receipt of your Freedom of Information request sent to the
Royton & Crompton Academy relating to number of student accounts
registered on canteen till/POS in 2021/22 and the percentage of student
accounts who made 10 or more canteen transactions in 2018-22.


I confirm that we will respond to your request by 03/10/2022. The
statutory time frame of 20 days in which to respond; this does not include
school closures and training days.


If you have any questions, please send these to me via email, quoting ref
‘FOI 401’.


Kind regards


Marius Dumitrascu

Investigations Officer and Deputy Data Protection Officer


07546 562 205

[1]Website | [2]Twitter | [3]LinkedIn
[4]Email signature logo


London: Unit 12.2.2 The Leather Market, 11-13 Weston Street, London SE1

Registered office: The Orangery, 28 Headlands, Ketterring, NN15 7HP

Company No. 0652 6376

E-ACT is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England
and Wales




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Marius Dumitrascu, E-Act Royton and Crompton Academy, Oldham

2 Attachments

Good afternoon


Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information 
Act 2000, dated 6 September 2022, please find attached E‐ACT’s response.


If  you  are  not  content  with  the  outcome  of  the  internal 
review,  you  have  the right  to  apply  directly  to  the Information 
Commissioner  for  a  decision.  The  Information  Commissioner  can  be 
contacted  at:  Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water
Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.


I confirm that this Freedom of Information Request is now closed.

Kind regards

Marius Dumitrascu

Investigations Officer and Deputy Data Protection Officer


07546 562 205

[1]Website | [2]Twitter | [3]LinkedIn
[4]Email signature logo


London: Unit 12.2.2 The Leather Market, 11-13 Weston Street, London SE1

Registered office: The Orangery, 28 Headlands, Ketterring, NN15 7HP

Company No. 0652 6376

E-ACT is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England
and Wales




From: FOI
Sent: 06 September 2022 14:29
To: [FOI #893107 email]
Subject: FOI 401


Good afternoon


I confirm receipt of your Freedom of Information request sent to the
Royton & Crompton Academy relating to number of student accounts
registered on canteen till/POS in 2021/22 and the percentage of student
accounts who made 10 or more canteen transactions in 2018-22.


I confirm that we will respond to your request by 03/10/2022. The
statutory time frame of 20 days in which to respond; this does not include
school closures and training days.


If you have any questions, please send these to me via email, quoting ref
‘FOI 401’.


Kind regards


Marius Dumitrascu

Investigations Officer and Deputy Data Protection Officer


07546 562 205

[5]Website | [6]Twitter | [7]LinkedIn
[8]Email signature logo


London: Unit 12.2.2 The Leather Market, 11-13 Weston Street, London SE1

Registered office: The Orangery, 28 Headlands, Ketterring, NN15 7HP

Company No. 0652 6376

E-ACT is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England
and Wales




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