Information on Mexican citizens living in the UK

The request was partially successful.

Lorenzo de la Garza

Dear Office for National Statistics,

I am writing to you to request, under the Freedom of Information
Act, information regarding the presence of Mexican Citizens in the

I want information on the following questions:

1) How many Mexican Citizens are currently living in the UK?

2) Of that total how many are here with a Student Visa, how many
with a Work Visa, and how many with British citizenship?

3)Are there any Mexican citizens living illegally in the UK? If so,
how many?

4) Which are the 5 cities with the biggest Mexican population in
the UK? How many Mexicans live in each of those cities?

Thank you for your time.

Yours faithfully,

Lorenzo de la Garza

Paul Wearn, Office for National Statistics

1 Attachment

Our Reference: FOI01049/Lorenzo De La Garza/QE1

Thank you for your email requesting information about the presence of
Mexican Citizens in the UK. I am writing to confirm that the Office for
National Statistics has now completed its search for the information which
you requested and a copy of the information is enclosed.
The Office for National Statistics collects data on nationality from the
Annual Population Survey which covers residents of the UK. The latest
estimates available are for the 12 month period of April 2009- March 2010.
The data shows that there are 9,000 Mexicans nationals resident in the UK.
The margin for error surrounding these estimates is +/- 4,000.

Questions 2 and 3 are for the Home Office who can be contacted at the
following email address : [email address]

The APS collects information on Local Authorities so can't account for top
5 cities. we do have data readily available by GOR see attached table
below. Further information on the APS is available in the "Notes to
Tables", which can be found here

You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to Frank Nolan,
Office for National Statistics, Room 1127, Government Buildings, Cardiff
Road, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8XG.

If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

Kind regards,

Paul Wearn LLB (Hons)
Legal Services
Office for National Statistics

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