Information held on 1701 Johnstone Squadron

Air Cadet Organisation did not have the information requested.

Dear Air Cadet Organisation,

I would like any information held at HQAC about the formation of 1701 (Johnstone) Squadron ATC and any detached Flights which this Squadrons may have had or previously been itself, a list of all former Commanding Officers and any historical points of significance.

Specifically I am looking for: formation date, strength of the Squadrons on formation and original location of Squadron on formation and previous locations. I would also like to know if this squadron has previously had any detached flights or been a detached flight itself, a list of all former Commanding Officers and any historical points of significance.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Smith

Air-DRes Sec-ParliBusiness (MULTIUSER),

1 Attachment


Dear Mr C Smith


Please find attached correspondence in response to your recent Freedom of
Information request


Kind regards



Air Command Secretariat