Information Governance Technology

The request was successful.

Dear Forest of Dean District Council,

1. Does your organisation use any applications or software to record Record of Processing Activity (ROPA)?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

2. Does your organisation use any applications or software to support preparation for, or maintenance of ISO 27001 and/or ISO 27701 compliance?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

3. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with data breach management?

4. Does your organisation use any applications or software associated with Freedom of Information management?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

5. Does your organisation use any applications or software for Policy Management?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

6. Does your organisation use any eLearning for Data Protection and Security Awareness?

If so, please state the product name(s) and version numbers(s) (if known)

7. Has your organisation reviewed / explored the market regarding the provision of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?

If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

If no - does your organisation have any plans to review / explore this market in the next 3 years?

8. Has your organisation allocated budget / financial resources regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?

If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

If no - does your organisation have any plans to allocate budget / financial resources in the next 3 years?

9. Has your organisation developed a business case (outline or otherwise) regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance functions?

If yes - please specify what actions have been taken?

If no - does your organisation have any plans to develop a business case in the next 3 years?

10. Will there be any opportunities to engage with your organisation regarding the commissioning / procurement of technology which supports the delivery of Information Governance function in the next three years?

Yours faithfully,

Austin Bradley, Forest of Dean District Council

Thank you for your request for information. This mailbox does not record new requests.
Please use the link to submit your request:

Your request/s will being dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and will be answered within twenty working days from the date of receipt. This timescale may be extended under certain circumstances. If this happens you will be notified of this and the estimated date of response.
Publica is a company wholly owned by Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Cheltenham Borough Council to deliver local services on their behalf.

The content of this email and any related emails do not constitute a legally binding agreement and we do not accept service of court proceedings or any other formal notices by email unless specifically agreed by us in writing.

Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and received by Publica on behalf of West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Legislation.

FOI Requests,

1 Attachment

Dear Austin Bradley,

Further to your request, please find a response attached.

If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your
freedom of information request and wish to request a review you should
write to the Monitoring Officer, Forest of Dean District Council, Council
Offices, High Street, Coleford, GL16 8HG or email
[1][Forest of Dean District Council request email].

If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally the ICO
cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the review procedure
provided by the Council. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information 

Forest of Dean District Council


Publica is a company wholly owned by Cotswold District Council, Forest of
Dean District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Cheltenham
Borough Council to deliver local services on their behalf.

The content of this email and any related emails do not constitute a
legally binding agreement and we do not accept service of court
proceedings or any other formal notices by email unless specifically
agreed by us in writing.

Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and
received by Publica on behalf of West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest
of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for
business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under
the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Legislation.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]