Information about your dealings with Stonewall [Extraneous material removed]
Dear National Museum Wales,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Please provide any information that you hold answering to any of the following descriptions:
1. Any application you made in 2019 or 2020 to be a “Stonewall Diversity Champion” or to be included on Stonewall’s “Workplace Equality Index,” including any attachments or appendices to those applications. Please redact personal details if necessary.
2. Any feedback you received in 2019 or 2020 from Stonewall in relation to either application or programme.
3. Any other communication you have received from Stonewall in 2019 or 2020 unless privileged or otherwise exempt from disclosure (but if you claim privilege or exemption in relation to any material, please say in broad terms what the material is and the basis on which you claim to be entitled to withhold it).
4. Full details of any equality impact assessment you carried out connected with any of these applications (including any equality impact assessment carried out prior to an earlier application of the same kind, if no further assessment was done).
5. Details of the total amount of money you paid to Stonewall (i) in 2019; (ii) in 2020, whether or not as payment for goods or services.
6. Whether you intend to continue your membership of any Stonewall scheme in the future, and if so which.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Green
Please find attached our response to your recent FOI request
Tim Phillips
Rheolwr Diogelwch Gwybodaeth - Information Security Manager
Rydw i’n dysgu Cymraeg
[1][email address]
ICT Department
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales
Parc Cathays / Cathays Park
Caerdydd / Cardiff
CF10 3NP
[2] / [3]
Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, ac yn sicrhau y byddwn
yn cyfathrebu â chi yn eich iaith ddewisol, boed yn Gymraeg, Saesneg neu’r
ddwy, dim ond i chi ein hysbysu. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn peri oedi.
Mae pob neges e-bost a anfonir at neu gan Amgueddfa Cymru yn cael ei
sganio gan systemau diogelwch awtomatig. Sganiwyd y neges hon am firysau
cyn ei hanfon, ond dylech hefyd wirio bod y neges, a phob atodiad ynddi,
yn rhydd o firysau cyn ei defnyddio. Nid ydym yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb am
unrhyw golled neu ddifrod o ganlyniad i agor y neges neu unrhyw atodiadau.
Gall y neges hon ac unrhyw ffeiliau a atodir ynddi gynnwys gwybodaeth
gyfrinachol a fwriadwyd ar gyfer y derbynnydd yn unig. Os ydych chi wedi
derbyn y neges trwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch ni a dileu’r neges. Safbwyntiau
personol yr awdur a fynegir yn y neges hon, ac nid ydynt o reidrwydd yn
cynrychioli safbwyntiau Amgueddfa Cymru. Nid ydym yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb am
unrhyw wallau, llygredd neu esgeulustod a allai godi wrth drosglwyddo'r
neges hon.
We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English, and we will ensure that we
communicate with you in the language of your choice, whether that’s
English, Welsh or both if you let us know which you prefer. Corresponding
in Welsh will not lead to any delay.
E-mail to and from Amgueddfa Cymru is scanned by automated security
systems. This message was scanned for viruses before transmission, but you
should also satisfy yourself that the message, and all attachments,
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damage that might arise from opening the message or any attachments. This
message and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential
information intended only for the recipient. If you receive the message by
mistake please inform us and delete it. The views expressed in this
message are the personal views of the author and may not necessarily
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