Information about your communications team

The request was successful.

Dear Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council,

I request the following information.

1. What minimum qualifications are required to be a communications manager in your organisation (based on your existing job specs)
2. May I request a copy of the job specification for the position of communications officer
3. How many people work in the communications team & what is the composition, eg one manager and five officers, three managers and ten officers, five managers, five officers and five assistants etc etc
4. May I request a breakdown of the job roles and respective salaries for all posts within the communications team

Yours faithfully,

T Thomas

BMBC IG DPA FOI, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear T Thomas

Thank you for your request for information in relation to:- Communications Team. Your request was received on:- 06.05.2016
We are dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BMBC reference number is:- FOIA 11883
Your request will be processed as soon as possible, and we will try to provide the information within 20 working days as required.
The 20 day deadline is:- 06.06.2016
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know the likely charges before proceeding.

Thank you once again for your request.

Kind Regards

Jane Buchan
Customer Feedback and Improvement Officer
Customer Services Feedback and Improvement Team

Postal Address: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council; Communities, Customer Services, Customer Feedback and Improvement Team, PO Box 679, Barnsley, S70 9GG

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BMBC IG DPA FOI, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

2 Attachments

Dear T Thomas

Please find attached letter in response to your recent Freedom of Information request.

Kind Regards

Jane Buchan
Customer Feedback and Improvement Officer
Customer Services Feedback and Improvement Team

Postal Address: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council; Communities, Customer Services, Customer Feedback and Improvement Team, PO Box 679, Barnsley, S70 9GG

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