Requests similar to 'Information about trans staff in universities'

Dear A Brown Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quot...
Recent Strike Action
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Mr Allen on .


Dear Mr Allen   Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing.  Ple...
FOI Animal Experiments
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Gareth Norman on .


Dear Gareth Norman   Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing....
Senior management salaries
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to David Roberts on .


Dear Mr Roberts   Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing.  P...
Security and Compliance Software
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Thomas on .


Dear Thomas   Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing.  Pleas...
Students with visual impairments
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Connect on .


Dear Requester, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please q...
Mental health services available to students
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Alisa Wylie on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Alisa Wylie, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please...
Dear Vida, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quote...
Repatriation of human remains
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Maciej Wójtowicz on .


Dear Maciej Wójtowicz, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. P...
Abertay Student Accomodation Running Costs
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to O C Wright on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Wright, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please q...
Dear Elizabeth Thomson Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. P...
Dear Mr McCaree, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please...
Timetables and Student Parents
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to J. van Herk on .


Dear Mr van Herk, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please...
Dear Ms Gray, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quo...
Mental Health
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Kirsty on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Card, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quo...
Problem gambling
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Gurpreet on .

Information not held

Dear Gurpreet Narwan, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Pl...
Brexit planning
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Ally Tibbitt on .


Dear Ally Tibbitt, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Pleas...
Dear Mr Chaplin, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please...
Dear Mr Whelan   Please find attached the response to your request.   Yours sincerely     FOI Processing Academic Registry Bell Stree...
Academic journals costs & use
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Steve Carufel on .


Dear Mr Carufel   Please see replies below.   We hope that this is helpful.   Yours sincerely   FOI Processing Academic Registry Ab...
Viva success/failure rate for phd students
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Michael Lee on .

Information not held

Dear Michael Lee,   Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing....
Dear Wan Ulfa Nur Zuhra,   Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for proce...
Student Accomodation
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to J. van Herk on .


Dear Mr McVicar, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please...
Dear Ms Baker, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please qu...
ERP Systems
Response by University of Abertay Dundee to Richard Paramo on .


Dear Richard Paramo, Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Ple...