Julie Hatchard
By email
: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx
13 February 2017
Your FOI request ref FOI007-0178
Big Lottery Fund
2 St James’ Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
Dear Ms Hatchard
T 0191 376 1600
Thank you for your email of 17 January 2017, in which you have requested
F 0191 376 1661
18001 + 0191 376 1600
information in relation to the Big Lottery Fund (“the Fund”) IT team and
(for those with a hearing or speech
infrastructure equipment. We have handled your request under the provisions impairment)
of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”).
I have restated your request along with our response below:
Peter Ainsworth
1. What is your annual IT Infrastructure Budget for 2016, 2017 & 2018
Chief Executive
Dawn Austwick
You advised on the 1 February 2017 that this aspect of your request is for our
budget on IT physical infrastructure.
We are committed to bringing real
improvements to communities and
Our budget for 2016- 2017 was £933,379 and projected budget for 2017 – 2018 to the lives of people most in need
is £1,045,203. We are yet to plan our budget for 2018-2019, therefore we do
not hold this information.
2. What storage vendor(s) and model do you currently use?
We use NetApp FAS 3210
3. When was the installation date of above storage vendor(s)?
July 2011
4. When is your planned (or estimated) storage refresh date?
5. What is your estimated budget for the refresh?
I can confirm that we do not hold this information
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6. What is the capacity of the storage data in TB?
60TB SAN storage
7. The total number of IT staff employed by the organization?
53 fte
8. Please list and provide contact details for the IT senior management team including
CIO, IT Director and Infrastructure Architects if applicable
Our IT Director is Beth Lawton, telephone number 0345 4 10 20 30, email
Whilst you are entitled to receive the information we have provided you under the FOIA, you do
not have permission or the consent to re-use it for marketing or commercial gain. However,
should you choose to contact the individual listed above for marketing or commercial gain
without their consent you may find yourself in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA”).
9. Please confirm if you are utilising desktop virtualisation technologies and if so how
many users do you provide services for?
I can confirm that we do not utilise desktop virtualisation technologies for our user estate.
10. What backup software do you use?
Netbackup and Backup Exec.
11. How much data do you back up in TB?
12. Number of servers?
13. What operating system(s) do you use?
Window Server
14. Number of virtual servers?
15. What percentage of your environment is virtualised?
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16. If you outsource your IT works, please provide who it is with and when the contract
started and ends?
Computacenter. The current contract expired on 9 May 2017.
17. Please also name all of the IT re-sellers that you work with and buy from, as well as
the frameworks that you use for the release of any tenders etc.
You advised on the 1 February 2017 that this aspect of your request is for details of the IT re-
sellers we have used since 1 April 2016 to support our IT physical infrastructure.
The re-sellers are Alternative Networks, N G Bailey, Exponential-E, MCSA, Haptic Networks,
Park Place Technologies Computer-Computer Ltd, Computacenter, Datacenter UK, Comtec,
Aircare, Fire Technical Services, Aspect Fire Solutions, Linnet Technology, Shenton Group,
Softcat, Videonations, Videocentric, CDW, Bluefort.
The frameworks are Crown Commercial Services RM1054, RM1058, RM3733, G-Cloud 6 and G-
Cloud 7.
18. Please also approximate the time spent managing your IT systems, specifically
storage, per week in the unit of man hours. Also approximate the amount of time
taken carving out LUNs and/or Volumes
I can confirm that we cannot provide an estimate and therefore do not hold this information.
19. Please list any and all pain points that the IT teams, and organisation as a whole,
experience with regard to the storage and usage of the virtualised workloads.
Limited capacity and performance due to the age of solution.
20. How is your storage connected, i.e. via Fibre Channel, Ethernet (NFS or ISCSi). If your
storage is currently connected via Fibre Channel, do you have access to 10 GB
Ethernet, or 1 GB ethernet, and if so, please declare which.
Fibre Channel, NFS, iSCSI. 10GB Ethernet SAN connectivity only.
If you have any further queries regarding the FOIA please contact me at the address below.
Your reference is:
FOI006-0178. It would be helpful if you could quote this reference in any
future correspondence.
If you are not satisfied with the way in which the Fund has dealt with your request, you have
a right to request a review of our decision. If this is the case, contact me within two months
and I will arrange for an internal review.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can
be contacted at:
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Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours sincerely,
Information Request team
Big Lottery Fund
l: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx