Information about the communications team

The request was successful.

Dear Wakefield City Council,

Hi, am interesting in the operation of the communications department
over the period 2010 to current

for 2010

total staff numbers ( equivalent full time posts )
total managers in the department (salaries and job descriptions)
total officers in the department (salaries and job descriptions)
number of staff managed by each manager
number of days off sick in the year by the team
total communications department running costs for year (including salaries)
total expenses claimed for year by whole department
salary of manager in overall charge of the communication team

for 2013

total staff numbers ( equivalent full time posts )
total managers in the department (salaries and job descriptions)
total officers in the department (salaries and job descriptions)
number of staff managed by each manager
number of days off sick in the year by the team
total communications department running costs for year (including salaries)
total expenses claimed for year by whole department
salary of manager in overall charge of the communication team

for current ( 2016 )

total staff numbers ( equivalent full time posts )
total managers in the department (salaries and job descriptions)
total officers in the department (salaries and job descriptions)
number of staff managed by each manager
number of days off sick in the year by the team
total communications department running costs for year (including salaries)
total expenses claimed for year by whole department
salary of manager in overall charge of the communication team

Yours faithfully

T Thomas

freedomofinformation, Wakefield City Council

Dear T Thomas,


Thank you for your letter requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which we received on 3rd March 2016. It is our intention to have the response delivered to you by 4th April 2016.

I would like to inform you that all requests submitted under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 might be subject to exemption(s), which the Authority is entitled to apply to refuse the request.

In some cases the Authority may also ask that a fee be paid for processing and delivering the information to you. Details of any fee to be charged, if applicable, will be notified to you as soon as possible.

Any future correspondence you may have in relation to this matter should be marked Private & Confidential and sent to the Freedom of Information Officer, Information Management Team, Civic Centre, Castleford WF10 4JH or e-mailed to [Wakefield City Council request email].

Yours sincerely

Information Governance Officer
Information Management Team
City Solicitor’s Office
Wakefield MDC, Civic Centre, Ferrybridge Road, Castleford, WF10 4JH.
Email: [Wakefield City Council request email]
Tel: 01977 727170

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freedomofinformation, Wakefield City Council

14 Attachments

Dear T Thomas,

Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the Authority under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Please find the information you requested attached.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further queries regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely

Senior Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Team
City Solicitor’s Office
Wakefield MDC
Tel: 01977 727170
E-mail: [Wakefield City Council request email]

show quoted sections

Dear freedomofinformation,

Further to previous request confirm that in the current communications team of 16 full time staff 8 have the word manager in their job title. Confirm that 3 communications team employees with the word manager in their job title have no management responsibilities. Confirm combined salary total for these managers who do not manage. Say how many other wmdc departments have teams with 50% or more employees being called managers. Say how many other wmdc managers have no management responsibilities. Say how many people worked in the wmdc communications team on 1.1. 2009.


Since austerity began how much has wmdc cut its budget
Since austerity began how many wmdc jobs no longer exist
Since austerity began how many public services have been reduced or cancelled
Since austerity began how much has wmdc council tax increased

Yours sincerely,

T Thomas

freedomofinformation, Wakefield City Council

Dear T Thomas,
Thank you for your letter requesting information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 which we received on 20^th April 2016.  It is our
intention to have the response delivered to you by 19^th May 2016.
I would like to inform you that all requests submitted under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 might be subject to exemption(s), which the
Authority is entitled to apply to refuse the request.
In some cases the Authority may also ask that a fee be paid for processing
and delivering the information to you.  Details of any fee to be charged,
if applicable, will be notified to you as soon as possible.
Any future correspondence you may have in relation to this matter should
be marked Private & Confidential and sent to the Senior Information
Governance Officer, Information Management Team, Civic Centre, Castleford
WF10 4JH or e-mailed to [Wakefield City Council request email].
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Officer
Corporate Information Governance Team,
City Solicitor’s Office.
Wakefield MDC, Civic Centre, Ferrybridge Road, Castleford, WF10 4JH.
Email: [Wakefield City Council request email]
Tel: 01977 727170

show quoted sections

freedomofinformation, Wakefield City Council

Dear T Thomas,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information
I am writing in respect of your recent enquiry for information held by the
Authority under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Please find the response to your request enclosed.

 1. Further to previous request confirm that in the current communications
team of 16 full time staff, 8 have the word manager in their job

There are 7 job descriptions with manager in. However, the team leader
role is vacant and is additional duties to one of the other management
roles, rather than an additional job.

 2. Confirm that 3 communications team employees with the word manager in
their job title have no management responsibilities. 

All managers have ‘management responsibilities’, however two managers do
not have line management responsibilities.

 3. Confirm combined salary total for these managers who do not manage.


 4. How many other WMDC departments have teams with 50% or more employees
being called managers.


 5. How many other WMDC managers have no management responsibilities.

75 staff have 'manager' in their titles but do not have line management
responsibility. These employees will, however, have responsibility for
managing other resources, budgets or projects.

 6. How many people worked in WMDC communications team on 1.1.2009.

We did not have a designated communications team at that time therefore
cannot supply the numbers of people that worked on communications
Since austerity began how much has WMDC cut its budget.
The Council has made £146m of budget savings between 2011/12 and 2016/17.
Since austerity began how many WMDC jobs no longer exist.
The reduction in the headcount of employees between 1/4/10 and 1/4/16 was
2124, the reduction in FTE numbers was 1439
Since austerity began how many public services have been reduced or
This information is not held centrally, however information is publicly
available through the Councils website.
Please see link to Council meetings - agenda and minutes:
Since austerity began how much has WMDC Council Tax increased.
The annual increases for Wakefield Council only (excluding Fire, Police &
Parish) have been:
2009/10 – 3.8%
2010/11 – 2.4%
2011/12 – 0.0%
2012/13 – 0.0%
2013/14 – 1.45%
2014/15 – 1.99%
2015/16 – 1.99%
2016/17 – 1.99%
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any further queries
regarding this matter.
Yours sincerely
Senior Information Governance Officer
Information Governance Team
City Solicitor’s Office
Wakefield MDC
Tel: 01924 306112
Email: [8][Wakefield City Council request email]

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