Information about Stonewall Workplace Equality Index (WEI)
Dear Ulster University,
Please can you
1. Confirm whether your organisation applied to be part of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index in 2021 (for 2022) (NB the index was suspended in 2020/21 because of Covid)
2. Give details of the total amount of money you paid to Stonewall in 2021 whether or not as payment for goods or services.
3. State whether you intend to continue your membership of any Stonewall scheme in the future, and if so which.
If the answer to 1 C) is yes, please supply:
4. Any application you made in 2021 to be included on Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index, including any attachments or appendices to those applications. Please redact personal details if necessary.
5. Any feedback you received in 2021/22 from Stonewall in relation to either application or programme. This must include the priorities or objectives written by your organisation’s representative at the end of the feedback form.
If your organisation is considering refusing to disclose feedback received as part of the Stonewall scheme by relying on section 41 (confidential information) and/or section 43 (commercial interest) of FOI, please note the recent ICO decisions IC-129040-Y4T2 and IC-125081-Q8J6 which rejected these reasons. Sex Matters has written a short briefing on these two ICO decisions: please see
Yours faithfully,
MJ Lugsdin
Dear Ulster University,
Please respond fully to my request as it is now overdue.
Yours faithfully,
MJ Lugsdin
Thank you for your email.
We acknowledge receipt of your email correspondence and will be in contact
with a reference number and deadline for your response.
[1][Ulster University request email]
This email and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for
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delete this email immediately. Any views or opinions expressed are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Ulster
The University's computer systems may be monitored and communications
carried out on them may be recorded to secure the effective operation of
the system and for other lawful purposes. Ulster University does not
guarantee that this email or any attachments are free from viruses or 100%
secure. Unless expressly stated in the body of a separate attachment, the
text of email is not intended to form a binding contract. Correspondence
to and from the University may be subject to requests for disclosure by
3rd parties under relevant legislation.
The Ulster University was founded by Royal Charter in 1984 and is
registered with company number RC000726 and VAT registered number
GB672390524.The primary contact address for Ulster University in Northern
Ireland is Cromore Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT52 1SA
Visible links
1. mailto:[Ulster University request email]
Dear MJ Lugsdin
Please re-issue your freedom of information request as foi@ulster is unable to locate your original correspondence.
Thank you
[Ulster University request email]
Dear foi,
I fail to see how you can respond to a reminder email sent through the What Do They Know website and, at the same time claim not to have received my original request which was sent using the same platform. Nevertheless, below is the exact wording of my original request. Please respond forthwith.
“Dear Ulster University,
Please can you
1. Confirm whether your organisation applied to be part of the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index in 2021 (for 2022) (NB the index was suspended in 2020/21 because of Covid)
2. Give details of the total amount of money you paid to Stonewall in 2021 whether or not as payment for goods or services.
3. State whether you intend to continue your membership of any Stonewall scheme in the future, and if so which.
If the answer to 1 C) is yes, please supply:
4. Any application you made in 2021 to be included on Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index, including any attachments or appendices to those applications. Please redact personal details if necessary.
5. Any feedback you received in 2021/22 from Stonewall in relation to either application or programme. This must include the priorities or objectives written by your organisation’s representative at the end of the feedback form.
If your organisation is considering refusing to disclose feedback received as part of the Stonewall scheme by relying on section 41 (confidential information) and/or section 43 (commercial interest) of FOI, please note the recent ICO decisions IC-129040-Y4T2 and IC-125081-Q8J6 which rejected these reasons. Sex Matters has written a short briefing on these two ICO decisions: please see
Yours faithfully,
MJ Lugsdin“
Yours sincerely,
MJ Lugsdin
Dear MJ Lugsdin
Further to your Freedom of Information request, please view Ulster
University’s response as follows –
1. Confirm whether your organisation applied to be part of the Stonewall
Workplace Equality Index in 2021 (for 2022) (NB the index was suspended in
2020/21 because of Covid) Ulster University did not apply to be part of
the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index in 2021
2. Give details of the total amount of money you paid to Stonewall in 2021
whether or not as payment for goods or services. £3,000 was paid in 2021
for the Diversity Champions membership
3. State whether you intend to continue your membership of any Stonewall
scheme in the future, and if so which. Ulster University has decided not
to continue its membership with Stonewall
If you are unhappy with how the University has dealt with your request you
may raise the matter under the University's internal review process for
FOI requests. Please submit written details of your appeal to Clare
Jamison, University Secretary, University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52 1SA,
email at [1][email address] The University will normally
undertake to issue a decision on an appeal within 20 working days of
If you do not wish to submit an appeal to the University in relation to
your request or if you are unhappy with the outcome of an appeal you may
apply to the Office of the Information Commissioner. Full particulars of
the FOI Act including the Information Commissioner's address may be found
at [2]
Yours sincerely
Azlina Cohen
This email and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for
the use of the addressee and may contain information which is covered by
legal, professional or other privilege. If you have received this email in
error please notify the system manager at [email address] and
delete this email immediately. Any views or opinions expressed are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Ulster
The University's computer systems may be monitored and communications
carried out on them may be recorded to secure the effective operation of
the system and for other lawful purposes. Ulster University does not
guarantee that this email or any attachments are free from viruses or 100%
secure. Unless expressly stated in the body of a separate attachment, the
text of email is not intended to form a binding contract. Correspondence
to and from the University may be subject to requests for disclosure by
3rd parties under relevant legislation.
The Ulster University was founded by Royal Charter in 1984 and is
registered with company number RC000726 and VAT registered number
GB672390524.The primary contact address for Ulster University in Northern
Ireland is Cromore Road, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry BT52 1SA
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
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