Dear Sirs,
There have been a number of high profile cases in the Public Sector recently of data either being lost i.e. Laptops and memory sticks left in public places or malicious programs extracting contact information i.e. Personal details. I would like to know what security measures you have in place (or intend to put in place) to prevent such occurrences and who is responsible for IT Security (Name and Title)?
Many thanks for you assistance in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
David Blades
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days of receipt of your correspondence. We will however, endeavour to
answer your enquiry as quickly as possible.
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Deadh dhùrachd
Ionaid-fiosa Luchd-chleachdaidh SQA
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David Blades To
<request-68460-c1648f38@whatdothey FOI requests at Scottish Qualifications> Authority <[email address]>
12/04/2011 16:36
Freedom of Information request - Information
Dear Sirs,
There have been a number of high profile cases in the Public Sector
recently of data either being lost i.e. Laptops and memory sticks
left in public places or malicious programs extracting contact
information i.e. Personal details. I would like to know what
security measures you have in place (or intend to put in place) to
prevent such occurrences and who is responsible for IT Security
(Name and Title)?
Many thanks for you assistance in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
David Blades
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #68460 email]
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requests to Scottish Qualifications Authority? If so please contact
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If you find WhatDoTheyKnow useful as an FOI officer, please ask
your web manager to suggest us on your organisation's FOI page.
Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information
(Scotland) Act 2002. We are currently dealing with your request and will
respond as soon as practicable, but in any event, as required by the Act,
within 20 statutory working days. In this instance the 20th working day
falls on 16th May 2011.
In the meantime if I can be of any further assistance, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Joanne Lawrie
Corporate Programme Office
Scottish Qualifications Authority
(: 0845 213 5319
7: 0845 213 5000
International Direct Dial: +44 141 282 5819
In response to your request for information I can confirm that SQA follows
the requirements of the standard BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information
Security Management Systems which is the international benchmark. SQA has
held certification to this standard since 2004.
Our Head of IT, Bill Alexander, is responsible for SQA's IT security.
I trust this information answers your request.
If you are not satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with your
request for information made under the Freedom of Information (Scotland)
act 2002, you have the right to request a review of our actions and
decisions in relation to that request. A request for a review must be
made within 40 working days of the original decision, should include the
name and address of the applicant for correspondence, the request for
information to which the review refers and the matter giving rise to the
dissatisfaction. Review requests should be sent to:
Corporate Programme Office
Scottish Qualifications Authority
The Optima Building
G2 8DQ
The request will be acknowledged and a review will be carried out by a
senior official within SQA. Their decision will be sent to you within 20
working days of receipt of the request. If you are still dissatisfied,
you have a right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a
decision. Further details on this process are available on the
Commissioner’s website [1], other contact
details are as follows:
The Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Tel: 01334 464610
E-mail: [email address]
Joanne Lawrie
Corporate Programme Office
Scottish Qualifications Authority
T: 0845 213 5319
F: 0845 213 5000
International Direct Dial: +44 141 282 5819
Dear Joanne Lawrie,
Thank you for your response and cooperation in this matter.
Yours faithfully,
David Blades
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