Infected Blood Inquiry Notice
Dear Medical Research Council,
Under FOI I am requesting the following information:
a) Have you received any notice or instruction not to destroy documentation or files which may be relevant to the Infected Blood Inquiry from any source?
b) If so, from whom the notice was received and on what date it was received.
Yours faithfully,
JJ Evans
Dear JJ Evans,
Ref: UKRI 2018/0178 M
Thank you for your information access request.
It will be passed to the appropriate UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) team to provide a response. The response will be provided in line with the relevant information access regime by the 19/11/2018.
UKRI Information Governance
[email address]
UKRI is the legal entity for complying with UK Information Access Regimes (Data Protection Act (1998)/General Data Protection Regulation (2018), Environmental Information Regulations (2004), Freedom of Information Act (2000).
From 1st April 2018 the seven UK Research Councils (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, NERC and STFC) Innovate UK and Research England became part of UK Research and Innovation, a non-departmental public body funded by a grant-in-aid from the UK Government. For more information please visit
Dear JJ Evans
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request, our reference UKRI 2018/0178.
Kind regards
Samantha Bloxham
UKRI Information Governance
[email address]
Dear JJ Evans,
Freedom of Information request: 2018/0178
Further to our response to your request (received on the 21^st October
2018), I am writing to notify you that UK Research and Innovation has now
received notice from Infected Blood Inquiry requesting that the MRC
retains and refrains from destroying any records or other materials that
may contain information that is potentially relevant to the Inquiry. The
letter was received by the MRC’s Executive Chair on 14^th November 2018
from the Deputy Solicitor to the Inquiry.
If you have any queries about this response please let us know.
Yours sincerely,
UKRI Information Governance
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